TCP Server Example In C++

manoj sharma
5 min readAug 8, 2023


A C++ TCP server is a computer program written in the C++ programming language that allows other computers to connect to it and exchange data using the TCP networking protocol.

Think of it like a restaurant that serves food to its customers. The C++ TCP server is like the restaurant, which is always open and waiting for customers to come and place their orders. When a customer (another computer) connects to the server, they establish a communication channel (like a waiter taking an order) using the TCP protocol.

Once the communication channel is established, the customer can send data to the server (place an order), and the server can send data back (serve the food). The server can handle multiple customers at the same time, just like a restaurant can serve multiple tables at once.

Overall, a C++ TCP server is a program that allows multiple computers to communicate with each other over a network, using the TCP protocol.

What is TCP?

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a technique that resides between the Applications layer & network layer. TCP accomplishes packet forwarding at the sender end and demodulation at the receiving side, using the recognizing mechanism to verify that data arrived safely. The connection alignment feature is implemented by TCP using three phases: connection formation, data transit, and connection termination.

Understanding TCP Protocol

As a connection-oriented standard, it establishes and maintains connections till the application program at both ends have finished transmitting messages. Additionally, it manages flow control and determines how to split application information into packets that the networks provide, transmit, and subsequently receive from the network layer. TCP takes up a portion of Layer 4, the Transit Layer, and a portion of Layer 5, the session layer, in the OSI reference model.

Take this as an instance. The HTTP protocol is used by the host when sending an Html document to the user. The TCP layer is then asked by the HTTP program layer to establish the link and transfer the file. The file is subsequently divided into packets by the TCP stack, assigned a number, and then transmitted to the Internet Protocol level for delivery. Despite having identical origin and destination IP identities, each data packet in a transaction nonetheless takes a different path. The user computer’s TCP software layer usually waits till then unless all the data packets have already arrived before acknowledging the personalities it has already collected and requesting retransmission.

What is a TCP Server?

A TCP server is a computer program that listens for and responds to incoming requests from other computers over a network. It is responsible for establishing connections with clients, sending, and receiving data, and closing connections when they are no longer needed. TCP servers are used for a variety of applications, including web servers, file transfer, email, and remote access.

A TCP server is a type of network application that runs on a computer and waits for a connection from a client. The server then processes the client’s request and sends back a response. TCP servers are commonly used for web servers, email servers, file transfer servers, and other types of network services.

Advantages of TCP Protocol

Ø It is a very dependable procedure.

Ø It also guarantees that the data is delivered in the same sequence as when it was transmitted to the intended location.

Ø It also emphasis connections.

Ø It provides both an error-checking and a restoration method.

Ø It also demonstrates end-to-end interaction.

Ø Additionally, it controls the flow.

Ø Finally, this method has server (full duplex) functionality that enables it to act as both a recipient and a transmitter.

TCP Protocol Scope

  1. The minimum and maximum sizes for TCP headers are twenty and sixty bytes, respectively.
  2. Originating Port: This 16-bit value specifies the source port of the application procedure when the machine is sent.
  3. Destination Port: This 16-bit value indicates the target port of the application procedure when it receives the machine.
  4. Data Offset (4-bits): This 4-bit value specifies the data position in the current packet across the full TCP segment as well as the dimensions of the TCP header.
  5. Reserved (3-bits): It’s all initially set at zero and saved for usage later.
  6. ECE: It may be interpreted in two ways:
  • If the SYN bit is zero, this indicates that perhaps the IP packet has experienced traffic with the CE bit set.
  • If the SYN bit is 1, then the machine may perform ECT if the ECE bits are set to 1.

7. URG: The Immediate emergency Pointer field contains critical data and must be handled, according to URG.

8. ACK: The ACK symbol denotes the significance of the Notification field. If ACK is zero, there has been no acknowledgement of the transmission.

9. PSH: While PSH is enabled, the terminal is asked to PUSH the content just when the client is ready to receive it, without delaying it.

10. RST: Reset flag characteristics include:

· To reject an incoming connection, RST is required.

· RST is also necessary to discard a section.

· The communication must be restarted using RST.

11. SYN: To establish a link between servers, the SYN signal is required.

What can You do with TCP Protocol?

TCP Protocol may operate in a client or server architecture. The link is always established by the client, and the host accepts or rejects it. In essence, connectivity implementation involves these three-way exchanges.

The segment and Sequencing number are sent by the user after opening the session. The host will then recognize it together with the user segment’s ACK, which is one greater than the user’s sequence number, as well as its SN (Sequence No.). Now that the user has received the segment’s ACK, it transmits an acknowledgement of the server’s reply.

The TCP section and the FIN signal with the value of 1 may be sent by either the host or the user. Because when the recipient acknowledges the FIN, the session is terminated, and that specific direction of the TCP conversation is terminated.

Working with TCP Protocol

Port numbers are used by TCP to determine which process. For instance, it should provide the data item. In addition, it synchronizes with the remote server using the sequence numbers. Next, SNs are transmitted and received with each data packet. Whenever the receiver receives an acknowledgement, the recipient must have collected the last of the data packet. By providing the identifier of the latest transmission received, the recipient is notified of the last section that the transmitter delivered (SN).

How TCP IP is different from TCP Server

TCP/IP is a networking protocol that is used to establish a connection between devices on a network. It is a set of communication protocols that are used to transfer data over the Internet. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the protocols that make up the TCP/IP suite.

A TCP server, on the other hand, is a program or a process that runs on a device and listens for incoming TCP connections. When a client wants to establish a connection with the server, it sends a TCP SYN packet to the server, and if the server accepts the connection, it sends a TCP SYN-ACK packet back to the client. Once the connection is established, the client and server can exchange data.

In other words, TCP is a protocol used for reliable data transfer, while a TCP server is a program or process that uses the TCP protocol to listen for incoming connections and facilitate data transfer.

So, the main difference between TCP/IP and a TCP server is that TCP/IP is a set of communication protocols used for data transfer over a network, while a TCP server is a program that uses the TCP protocol to listen for incoming connections and facilitate data transfer between clients and the server.

