Introduction to Google Webmaster tools

Manoj Singh Rathore
3 min readMar 4, 2017

Up to 11 005 million US dollars, equivalent to 1.1 billion dollars net profit for the Department the first of 2013 and perhaps the reason behind this huge amount of profits is the facilities and services offered by the company for all its users. And we will be talking here about one of the most important services offered by Google Inc., for all users, especially the owners of the websites which Google Webmaster tools service or what is known in Arabic Webmaster Tools.

How to add the site in Webmaster Tools?

After entering the Your Account page in Webmaster Tools Click on the Add site Add site

Fill in the site link in that section and then begin to prove ownership of the site by copying the HTML code to be added at the site in Webmaster Tools process. You can learn more about Webmaster tool by doing internet marketing course from techstack.

How to benefit from Webmaster Tools:

The control through these very large in terms of service which it can learn the number of archived pages on Google over time any knowledge of the amount of increase in the index your website in the search in detail in the history of all time engine. And then by clicking on the Google index section and choose the index status

Asfor the messages that are sent to you via Webmaster Tools sites, mostly in a negative news, either due to suspension of archiving in your site or because of the robot’s ability to enter into your site … etc.

And provide this service to you in search traffic department many services then you can when you log in to the sub-section in search queries Viewing keywords that introduces visitors to your site through printed on search ranking engine depending on the number of times your site in search engines when you print the word in Google . Or it may be arranged depending on the number of clicks on your site when they are printed in the search engine. You can also ID CTR click through rate per word, which is a division of the number of clicks on the number appearing on the search engine and therefore meaningful words ID, which represents users slide the desired focus. Making it easier for you to choose words that will focus on when you are in the process of search engine optimization process.

You may also in the Department of search traffic when you log in to the sub-section links to your site that links to recognize your site on other sites of having your link on other sites and you can see the most popular sites among the pages.

As for the Department of Crawlers It helps you see the pages where Google is facing the problem of archiving. Besides knowing the number of pages a day and can through this section to ensure the absence of any problems in the archive any page manually.

In the end, what we have the explanation is just the tip of the iceberg of what this service is provided to webmasters in general. But I wanted to here that I’m trying as much as possible to do the process of simplification of how this service for website owners, that this service is constantly evolving, and with each update, we find many of the additions are Google Inc., placing them in order to make it easier for website owners the process of evaluating their positions and give them a broader vision of how the and archive sites.

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