Marketing through social networking sites (how to choose the appropriate network?)

Manoj Singh Rathore
4 min readMar 3, 2017


The world media has been developed from what it was ten years ago has been marketing has become the social networking sites on a key part of the marketing mix for any organization seeking to compete and grow in the job market parts, but find many of the same businesses on the threshold of a decision on any social networks that are required to invest in and devote their resources, if that is the case with your organization or perhaps a bit worse (use all the social networking sites on the internet) may find in this article to keep you busy.

Choose any suitable social platforms for your organization is not difficult, but adhere to certain platforms and not others, especially those that draw near and far is something that is difficult for enterprises today do and thus exposing establishing the depletion of its energies in several channels instead of focusing on pallets priority. You can learn more about social networking sites by joining digital marketing institute in delhi from techstack.

The actual size of social networks in the India world

Understand any social networks more widely used in the Arab world has been instrumental in improving your decision regarding any platforms with best value for your business. The following list (in addition to all the data presented in this article) describes the order of those platforms the Arab world, according to frequent use, based on the statistics that have been published by the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government and the summit of the pioneers of social networking Arabs last year.
It should be alert to the study sample size exceeded 7,000 individuals were surveyed through individual interviews and through interactive dialogue groups.


The role of the demographic distribution in the selection of social network

To exploit the demographic division of the social networks, you must first know that the division of current and prospective clients as well. Knowing the data on the lines of age, gender, annual income can help you map among the target demographic distribution network and customers who seek to reach them.

Add-on, the obtain the map drawing distribution demographic increases the performance of your efforts marketing, when publication of new content adopts Ali all the meanings and messages that looks the consumer to read it, you are much raise public response target opportunities with your brand either as a translator in the form of direct sales or to other things that might seek to achieve.

Ask yourself the following questions before making a decision

Answer the following questions will allow you to link the nature of the content that you post on the social networking and slide your target from behind the content and thus build a direct link between the two.

Does the nature of the social network similar to the content that I publish it? (See the work of the division of social networking sites above environment)
Is the audience that I am trying to build it spends most of his time on the target network? (See map demographic division above)

Well any social networks you should use?

After reviewing the previous data, I expect you to have succeeded in crystallizing see you on the most appropriate communication platforms that you have to be dependable when marketing through social networking sites, if you do not succeed in doing so and still looking for some tips to help you make the decision.
Do you have to use Facebook?

Yes, if you do not mind the competition, Facebook fame has made him a key platform for the majority of businesses and thus does not hide you jam your home page on facebook publications brands being pursued. Select your goal of using Facebook first and then went from there.
Do you have to use Twitter?

Twitter a social network that you should caution before investing in, and I mean caution here is to identify the total size of the audience found, data is at hand shows that Twitter has a few popular in the Arab market with the exception of some countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Do you have to use Instagram?

If you have a consumer products need to offer clarification and the answer is yes, and I will repeat once again the need to understand the size of social network users in your target market before starting to invest in paid advertising and so on.

From directed my view, Instagram has that elegant feature in the presentation of e-content part (image in) during the parade you to your home page, which reduces the rate of dispersion of the sighting and increase the focus on the content rate, which raises the market value of this unique network.


Success in marketing on the social networks is not coincidental, which is definitely not purely random. If the statistical data were not a cornerstone in the formation of your marketing plan, you are, without doubt, it has stressed toward land. Your support and enrich your marketing plan based on statistics reviewed by the properties of the targeted city or region, which is seeking to compete with the market.

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