Why is there a need for HDE?

3 min readSep 24, 2020


HDE is a platform that incentivizes open-source contributions to the Horizen ecosystem and cultivates collaboration among developers.

Main problem for open source projects is that this kind of engagement requires a lot of time and mostly it is based on the voluntary contribution of members who already know a lot about a particular project. So this puts the project on the dusty shell where it cannot be found by the wider auditorium.

Open-source provides an alternative to the use of software/technologies, which allows for greater innovation. And the result is clearly visible, there are now more than 5,000 blockchain projects on the market. Open-source brings much more innovation because it has far fewer constraints. Sometimes some patented technologies are released into the public domain and become open-source. The opposite is impossible. You can view this article made on open-source philosophy to know more about it.

Through HDE, Horizen incentivises contribution to the project and speeding up solving tasks by involving other developers and community members. Contribution process is significantly simplified by getting all the different open GitHub issues and other tasks across different repositories into one place, making it easy and accessible to the individuals or teams. This way the project becomes accessible to all and you don’t even need to know everything about it, but to focus to give your contribution and even get rewards.

The HDE provides you with:

A simple way to find open issues

  • Clearly defined processes and policies for:

_ GitHub

_ Contribution

_ Development

  • A communication tool to find people to collaborate with and discuss problems
  • A knowledgeable team and community to assist you if you get stuck
  • Bounties for your contributions.

This is also a social network and very important educational resource for many new members, where they can share their thoughts and visions about new breakthroughs technologies.

There are defined GitHub Process, Contribution and Developer Policies as well as a community that will assist you or provide help if needed.

Here more about tasks

If you want to know more about the HDE in video, we made this for you https://youtu.be/eSqtPnjszUs

And in French: https://youtu.be/Js87x1yweb8

Discover also Ponta and Xavier, two great amazing community members.

They resolved some tasks to the HDE and earn some $ZEN thanks to it, they show you how:


For many this will be the first touch with our community, and the Horizen project.

In combination with the Academy this can be a very potent tool for practicing new technologies in the times when the whole World finally catching up with crypto nerds. As you can see Horizen have opened the door of the project to whole World and this way even more show its motivation and dedication bringing of the greater levels of transparency of the project and to engrave some standards for this industry.

