Corda5 Integration Testing

Manos Batsis
2 min readJan 5, 2024


with Gradle, JUnit5, Corda5-Testutils and Corda5-CLI-Action

Corda5 CLI in GitHub Actions

This is a quick HOWTO for Corda5 integration testing, both local and CI with GitHub Actions. You can find the working code in this CSDE fork, specifically in this PR.

Note: seems corda-runtime-os release-5.0.0 disappeared from GitHub. Our sample is based on CSDE release/corda-5–0, only updated to use Corda 5.0.1 and Java 17.


Same as CSDE:

Gradle Setup

The corda5-testutils dependency includes a JUnit5 extension
for starting the Combined Worker and an API for calling flows etc.

Let’s add the dependency version to

# Corda 5 Test Utils

Now into workflows/build.gradle, we add separate configuration, sourceSets etc. for integration tests:

And the corda5-testutils dependency for launching Corda’s Combined Worker:

Create a Test

Here’s how our Integration Test looks like:

Test with Gradle

We have to call integration tests explicitly:

./gradlew build integrationTest 

Test with GitHub Actions

The corda5-cli-action will download, install and cache the Corda5 CLI, so the Gradle build will just work. The workflow file contains the following:

You can see the workflow runs in the repository’s actions area.

Build Successful

All done. You can find the code in CSDE-cordapp-integration-testing

