Data Streaming and Suspense in NextJS

Manish Sharma
2 min readAug 6, 2023
Data Streaming and Suspense in NextJS

What is Suspense ?

Suspense improves user experience by handle loading states in elegant manner. Suspense associates a fallback component with a Component being rendered. This fallback component displays loading state while component is loaded to client. Thus UI appears to be “doing something” until First Contentful Paint . For example if Component “RepoComponentLoading” is designed to display loading state while “RepoComponent” is loading, we can wrap RepoComponent inside Suspense as follows:

<Suspense fallback={<RepoComponentLoading />}>
<RepoComponent slug="django" />

NextJS keep displaying RepoComponentLoading until RepoComponent is visible.

Loading State and Suspense in NextJS
Loading State and Suspense in NextJS

What is Streaming in NextJS ?

Instead of loading a large chunk representing multiple component being rendered at server, streaming breaks that one big chunk into multiple smaller chunks, each representing a different Server Side Component. These chunks are then loaded to Client one by one there by improving Core Vital Stats.

Streaming in NextJS
Streaming in NextJS

The diagram above clearly illustrates that Streaming is “Incremental” Server Side rendering to improve user-experience.

Server Side Rendering in NextJS
Server Side Rendering in NextJS

Let’s do some fireworks

Our page is rendering multiple components:

As shown in diagram below, Components are getting loaded in chunks one by one. When the same page is visited for next time, it is super-fast (Server Side components).

Streaming demonstration in NextJS
Streaming demonstration in NextJS

The Loading Component is:

And Main Component is (Detailed explanation here ):

NextJS Component to illustrate Streaming

You can download source code from this repo.

Happy Coding.

