
Mansi Dadheech
3 min readJun 26, 2020


AWS is the public cloud platform which provides us many resources and services like computing resources,storage resources,network resources and many more. But AWS doesn’t provide core technical concepts i.e. is what is happening behind the scene,it is just clickable .

So to understand each and every concepts-how the services provides us resources, what is the code for that,what is happening in backend we’ll go for OpenStack. AS it is an is open source software, which means that anyone who chooses to can access the source code and make any changes or modifications they need.

What is Private Cloud Computing?

In simple words, using our own resources(RAM,CPU and Hard Disk) to build cloud platform. Here cloud services are not shared with any other organization.
All companies have their own data centers. But their storage resources are heterogeneous in nature like one is from Dell EMC other one is from storage cluster etc. This type of infrastructure can raise an issue to learn about all storage concepts and require a separate storage team to manage them.
To avoid this we can create an intermediate interface program from which user can request and get storage. Here users are big companies.

Drivers: They control all storage commands or programs.
Abstraction Layer: Layer having code or program which is running behind the scene.AWS also have abstraction layer.

Cloud Computing only provides software, we have to add RAM,CPU network to it.
Openstack can be used to create public as well as private cloud.


To install openstack there are some requirements:
- ISO file of RHEL 7.5 .
- Give around 6–8Gb RAM to RHEL VM .
- Give around 4 CPU to RHEL VM .
- Install CLI

After installing RHEL 7.5 configure YUM. To install openstack we need ISO of openstack and two other files also which we can download and by WINSCP transfer to our VM.

Now after transferring we mount each file to separate directory like:

mkdir /iso
mount <fileName> /iso

After mounting we copy all files in one directory and add that directory location to YUM repo.

#yum install createrepo
createrepo -v .

we run this command when we need to install some additional software.

To install all services of openstack there is an installer known as Packstack.

yum install openstack-packstack

OpenStack is not compatible with Network Manager so we have to stop it.

#systemctl stop NetworkManager
#systemctl disable NetworkManager

Now we install python setup tools to facilitate Python projects by enhancing the Python standard library.

#yum install python-setuptools

#packstack — — gen-answer-file=a.txt

This packstack command create a file which contains all services.

The all copying ans installing software consumes lots of RAM to clean cache we run this command:

#echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_cache

The file that packstack created contains all services from these services we can choose which service we want in our cloud platform.

#packstack — — answer-file-a.txt

This command go to file a.txt and install cloud services that we approved.

here our environment settings are completed.

Thanks for reading and Thanks to Vimal Sir!!



Mansi Dadheech

Exploring various disciplines to broaden my own pursuits✨.