How to find your Customer Avatar/ Target Audience

7 min readMar 15, 2020


It’s Session 2 of my internship at Digital Deepak and I am already feeling like I have pushed my self to make an effort to write.

I can tell you one thing that I am a book worm, I love reading books. I have a collection of 120 books in my personal library but when it comes to writing I am a lazy worm.

So Deepak says that you should write like you are talking to a person, you know like having a 1:1 conversation. But the thing is talking is so much more easier and when you try to do it in writing it kind of starts giving you blocks and makes you overthing every sentence you write. It is like the “stammering of talking”, especially for a new person like me who has never put that much effort in writing before.

It does make a lot of sense when I read articles by Deepak Kanakaraju. They directly speak to me, like I am experiencing a direct conversation with him.

Mahn!! I wish I can write like that..hopefully very soon..

Now the 1st assignment completion rate was 88%. WOHOOO…Thats so amazing and you know why??

Because of the positive pressure of getting paid back for every assignment from the money I have invested for this course, I mean who does that?!

He gives a very interesting analogy of :

Carrots and Sticks

In school or college there is a negative pressure, if you don’t complete your homework or assignment you get punished or parents are called to the school/college, whereas here there is a positive pressure of getting your money back.

As a child my carrots would be chips, if I completed my homework with a good remark. Now you can imagine I was literally a michelin star baby. The kind of kid you’d not be able to resist pulling cheeks. I know I know you are smilling already. That’s what I wanted… Ok going back to the point..

Now the universal rule to master any new knowledge, is the…


This is what many of us don’t do. We gain the knowledge, we may even start implementing that knowledge.

But with the fear of competition we think I should not share this knowledge with anyone and I will stay the best. But guys that’s where we are sooo wrong!! If you have learnt any skill and mastered it you gotta teach it!! because that will make you even better at it and trust me the happiness you get from teaching something you know to other’s is undescribable.

I can vouch for it when I lost 30kgs in a span of 3 years in a healthy way. When people used to see me they would be shocked and come and ask me what did I do? how did i do that? I had done a lot of self study and and a lot of self experiments and patiently I lost so much weight. Trust me, the happiness I would get to share with people my techniques has no words. That’s a very small example, but this triangle just like the law of attraction is a universal law.

We make mistakes, more mistakes and more mistakes…and we get more and more confident as those mistakes lead to future benefits. Like Henry Ford said…

By Henry Ford

Now, coming to..

The Core of Marketing

Getting better and better at conversations. How do you do that?

  • Talk to as many new people as you can.
  • Talk to different kinds of people. This will build your comfort level to talk to anyone comfortably.
  • Do more 1:1 conversations
  • Once confident talk to a group of people at meetups, or a party or on stage etc.

This will build your confidence and effectiveness of conversing with a huge crowd and eventually that shall reflect into good writing

Stay authentic

The more natural you are the better it becomes to market yourself and your service. For example, on social media when you listen to Sandeep maheshwari, Jay shetty, Radhi devlukia, amritaoflife and a few more, I really feel the connect with them because they are so authentic and if you follow their stories you will understand what I am talking about.

That’s the reason they are so good.. Having followed them from the beginning, they have gone from zero subscribers to over a million in just 1 year. I was so shocked. How did they do it? By “just being themselves” and not faking it.

Don’t be afraid of judgement, not everyone is going to like you. That’s a fact!!


When you travel more, you experience more. Also think for yourself, when you have visited a new place, how excited and energetic are you in sharing that experience with your friends or family? Very right?

DO IT!! Get out of your comfort zone and that will make you a better marketer. Share the experience and it shall develop you intellectually as well..

Now comes the main part part where you have to reach out to your Niche or as we call it TARGET AUDIENCE

Focus on Centre, NOT around it

“Everyone is NOT your audience.”

Ques. How do you find your audience?

Ans. Focus on the centre and not on the border.

Centre is your direct customer avatar and border is everyone around it or outside of the centre…

You get to the centre by conducting a survey based on:

~ DEMOGRAPHICS - like age, gender, location, job, marital status, etc

~ PSYCHOGRAPHICS — like interest, hobbies, preferences, fears, etc

Now with this understanding comes the understanding of your buyer persona or your Customer Avatar.

This is the reason Deepak says, he can write so well. He understands his customer avatar, who is his direct target audience and that helps him to write an email which feels like he is directly talking to that person.

To explain this he made all the batch 2 interns fill a form with basic questions related to digital marketing.

Once everyone responded he came up with this Buyer persona:

Name: XYZ

Age: 25–34

Gendre: Male

location: Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai

Average salary: 3 lakhs

This person was an average kid in school, not married, doesn’t have a pet, mainly an introvert, loves traveling, uses a credit card and first thing he checks is wats app when he wakes up, uses windows, uses android phone, does not own a car.

So looking at this one can understand how to write to your customer avatar:

  • Write directly to your buyer. The survey helps you give a face to the person you are writing.
  • when you write an email or a message, write like you are having a 1:1 conversation, just like you would talk to your friend. That will have a huge impact on the reader.
  • Understand the needs of the customer based on the customer avatar using the psychographic questions.
  • Join the conversations they are already having in their minds rather than starting a new one.
  • Write emails adressing directly to the person by mentioning their name. That helps in building the connect.

When you learn something new you feel awkward. Awkwardness is an indicator of learning.-Deepak Kanakaraju

Finally after understanding how to find my Customer Avatar I conducted my survey.

The main question is.. Who is my target audience for my food blog and food youtube channel?

On collecting the data from my survey..

The Buyer Persona for my blog is…

A fictional Mr.Vijay Bhanushali..

Age: 25–34

Marital status: Not married

Annual Income: 2–4 lakhs

Occupation: Self employed

Travels: On a 2 wheeler

Daily time on social media: 1–3 hours

Most important meal: Breakfast

Favourite cuisine: Indian

Health conscious: A little

How often does he eat out : Once a week

How he learns recipes: Watching Youtube

Preffered length of video: Short videos and quick recipes.

Well that was a very interesting assignment. I collected data from my instagram followers and professional watsapp groups that I am a member of.

Well this is my target audience and it gives me a lot more clarity on the kind of videos and recipes that I should create to reach out to them effectively.

So guys if you are having your own business I would be interested in knowing your customer avatar..

If you have done that please share your comments below and would love to hear your thought on my article.

If it helped you and gave you some insight please give me a CLAP!!








Creative person by nature and a photographer by profession.