Cloud Chronicles: My Odyssey as a Google Cloud Study Jam Facilitator

Mansij Gupta
2 min readNov 23, 2023


Hey there, fellow Cloud aficionados! I’m Mansij Gupta, and I’m thrilled to share my rollercoaster ride as the Google Cloud Facilitator at Medicaps University. Brace yourselves for a tale filled with determination, camaraderie, and unexpected turns during the Google Cloud Study Jam ’23 (GCSJ ‘23).

From the very first whispers of the previous GCCP’22 campaign, a spark ignited within me. The prospect of diving into the world of Google Cloud, correcting past misses, and being part of something transformative was both exciting and challenging.

Crafting success in becoming a facilitator wasn’t a walk in the park. With a mere two days for promotion, we managed to rally an impressive 350+ registrations. But it wasn’t just about numbers; it was about finding minds that resonated with the intricacies of Cloud Technology. Selecting the top 150 became a meticulous process, seeking participants who shared a genuine passion for the limitless possibilities of the cloud.

The promise was clear — a hundred completions and a samosa party from my lead awaited me. The clock was ticking, and the challenge was real.

As I took the stage for my first session as a facilitator, nerves kicked in. Emphasizing constant communication, little did I know that my offer to assist late at night would be taken so seriously. Participants burned the midnight oil, reaching out for guidance until the wee hours. What started as a tutorial transformed into an enriching exchange of knowledge.

Engaging students for Google CLoud Study Jam

Strategies were unleashed in the quest for completion. Weekly leaderboards fueled healthy competition, LinkedIn badges added a touch of professionalism, and for those lagging behind, cold DMs became the wake-up call. Personal meets at the college turned into impromptu completion commitments, showcasing the power of personal connections.

And finally, the pivotal day arrived — our first milestone. The sense of accomplishment was surreal. Compared to the previous year’s numbers, it was a monumental success. The samosa party might still be pending, but the rewards of collaboration, growth, and community building were immediate.

GCSJ ’23 was more than a campaign; it was a journey of shared triumphs, late-night coding marathons, and unexpected friendships. Reflecting on this experience, I urge you to dive into initiatives like these. The skills acquired, challenges conquered, and bonds forged are invaluable. Be part of the cloud revolution, and who knows, you might be hosting your success story soon!

Let’s keep the clouds vibrant, the connections strong, and the knowledge flowing!

