To the Perfectionist in Me, Goodbye.

“Tell your story….”. Such a simple prompt isn’t it? I stared at it for an hour.

Mansimar Singh
3 min readSep 19, 2022
A man types on his laptop, with a cup of coffee on his plain wooden desk
Photo by Parker Byrd on Unsplash

This is the prompt you see when you click on ‘Write’. If only it was that simple.

After thinking about writing for almost two years now, this is the moment of truth for me.

I have made many attempts. I’ve tried designing a personal website. I have bought domain names and learned about web hosting. I’ve even tried to build a WordPress blog.

Every time I started a writing project, I got bogged down by too many details. The fonts, the color schemes, the domain name, SEO, etc.

Will someone even read what I have to say? How do I make sure that I sound original? Who even cares about what I’m writing?

Though I have never been short of ideas for stories, I had a habit of first Googling the things I wished to talk about.


Someone somewhere had already written about a similar subject. That has always been a dead end for me. It was where I dropped the unfinished article and never thought about it again.

The wooden platform leads into the endless ocean with nowhere to go to and no boat in sight
Photo by Frank Albrecht on Unsplash

Even while writing this article, at this exact moment, I have the ‘first articles’ by many writers I follow on Medium opened in my browser — On 28 other tabs. I am analyzing what they wrote about, did they make their worlds bold? Did they use images? How many views did they get? Am I sounding like them?

The fear of sounding unoriginal has always stopped me.

I spend my time analyzing what they did when I know that what I should do instead, is to focus on what I have to say.

Well, that’s me. An over-analyzing, over-worrying, detail-tweaking wannabe perfectionist. A word I hate because it limits the things I can do.

It limits what I can achieve because it does not let me start, and to know where I’ll go, I have to start. I have to begin even if I don’t feel ready.

I have to begin especially if I don’t feel ready.

So here it goes.

Hi everyone, I am Mansimar Singh. I am 26 years young.

I know a bit about Investments, Finance, and Programming. I have cleared all three levels of the CFA program. While owning and managing my business by day, I research equities, and I code by night.

A self-taught programmer, I sometimes use python to marry my love for equities with my love for getting a computer to do my bidding.

I read a variety of genres. Thrillers, self-help, philosophy, history, psychology, and fantasy to name a few (please God, keep them coming).

Expect to see stories of all kinds on my profile. I will lean a bit toward investing and coding. I will sometimes throw in a pinch of personal development, and share quotes & excerpts from authors I admire. I will share book reviews and recommend books (please return the favor!).

Being better than who I was a day before is all I care about.

So this is my announcement to the digital universe that I have arrived (hopefully to stay).

I look forward to connecting with like-minded people. Be a part of the community that I have been observing from afar, for years now.

To The Perfectionist in Me, Goodbye.

PS — To my three followers on Medium, you guys are amazing!




Mansimar Singh

Curiosity is the cure for boredom. There is no cure for curiosity. I write about Business, Programming, Psychology, and Books!