The Unknown Paradox that leads to inner strength!

Mansi Marwah
4 min readSep 10, 2020

Hey, My name is Mansi Marwah and I am not joking.

It is absolutely true to understand when things are paradox in your mind, and no one, literally no one and including you are also not understanding what’s the problem!

They say or your head say you are confused! But trust me this confusion, this vagueness, this hollowness is nothing but the urge of the inner light within you, to let you do, what you are capable of, but you don’t listen,you stick to what is going on and what’s happening around.

My agenda is to just tell you: whenever this happens, firstly never take yourself wrong, yaa there is something happening around you , inside you! But you are not alone, and even while reading this you might be feeling is this possible! Yes this is ! We all are capable. It’s just a little push from within to yourself is needed..

So the Dont’s I want you to know and to pen down:

  1. You should stay away from the people who don’t believe in you, and if they believe but somewhere somehow they don’t add to your purpose. And trust me it could be anyone… now who are the one’s that should’nt be around you that you feel are not letting you in your skin and dreams , and how to deal with them, that’s your choice! (Or will give a Peekaboo to you all in next how to deal ).
  2. Skip any negative thought that come’s up in your mind. it could be anything, you are complaining about your life, thinking about bitter past or anxiety of future. Just say a big 'No' to the negative thought. And it’s pretty easy. The mantra is “consiously choose to drop that thought in your mind” like oh get lost instead focus on god at that moment or pat yourself n say babe you deserve better things, so think good, positive guys.
  3. Whatever drags you in your bitter past try to avoid it by just saying this ain’t worth my attention! Coz you all have to realize and at the same time believe that what you sow in present, so is your future become’s ! So why not to avoid this stupid past to make a beautiful future! Right .
  4. Don’t get angry so soon or get irritated so soon, I know people whom emotions are not in control, you all can try pause therapy. Whenever you feel like you gonna blown away with anger just take a pause and think is that really matter and worth fighting, if not and the opposite person behaviour will never change or they never change, just take it from one ear and let it out from the another one. Try to calm yourself. No one should be in charge of your emotions except youself.

Now, Do’s what you all should consider and pen them down:

  1. Take a time in the day ,whatever time suits you or relevant for you. Pray or meditate, strech it from 30 mins to 1 hour. But try to be very sincere in it atleast. This does the magic . Ask for the strength and self love .
  2. Say good things about yourself and so for others. Don’t crib, we all need each other. So when we think and compliments some one that’s not only make them smile. Cherrish your heart a little .
  3. Stay present! By just doing what you are doing today! Whether it’s your work or you are talking to someone! Just try to be present, take everything one by one! Everyother thing will be taken care of !
  4. What worries you or give you stress try to ask a question why? I am feeling this way what’s the problem ! And you will get the answer by just asking correct question to you self. And then when you get the answer start working over it slowly! If the problem is there , so the solution is also there . You just need to be slow and ask yourself right question.
  5. Never discourage your intuition, it’s the voice of god! Whatever you feel like or getting in your head this is right or this is wrong! Don’t confuse it with secondary voices! To get the better intitution power ,meditation is the key.
  6. Surrender to someone bigger than you! Whatever you call it Universe, god , allah, prophet. They all are one! And when you do your bit and pray and be this gentle and say I did what I felt like and was right in my sense, but I am in your hands. Your support brings me up in this world everyday . Things will be brighter for you . Have faith, a very strong one over anyother thing .

So here to my first post, that I really want you all to know and to be lighter, brighter and spread love all around. And smile a bit and know that everything is in control and yes you all are awesome and capable of ..

I wish and hope you guys like it. If you like it do tell and follow pleashhh .

Good night !Tata! Take care

