Mobile Robot Navigation using ROS Navigation Stack

Mansoor Alam
3 min readMar 31, 2023



Mobile robots are becoming increasingly popular due to their potential to perform various tasks autonomously, such as exploration, surveillance, and delivery. Mobile robot navigation is a critical component of robotics research and development, enabling robots to move autonomously through unknown environments. The Robot Operating System (ROS) Navigation Stack is an open-source navigation system that provides several tools and algorithms for mobile robot navigation. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the ROS Navigation Stack for mobile robot navigation.


What is ROS Navigation Stack?

The ROS Navigation Stack is a set of packages that provides a complete navigation solution for mobile robots in ROS. The Navigation Stack includes several components, such as a map server, localization, path planning, and obstacle avoidance. The Navigation Stack uses sensor data from various sources, such as laser range finders, cameras, and odometry, to localize the robot’s position and plan a path to reach its goal.


Setting up the Navigation Stack:

To set up the Navigation Stack, we first need to create a map of the environment in which the robot will operate. We can use the cartographer package to generate a map using laser range finder data. Once the map is created, we can use the amcl package to localize the robot’s position within the map. The amcl package uses particle filters to estimate the robot’s pose based on sensor data.


Path Planning:

After localizing the robot’s position, the next step is to plan a path to reach the robot’s goal. The Navigation Stack provides several path planning algorithms, such as Dijkstra, A*, and D* Lite. These algorithms use the map and the robot’s position to plan a path that avoids obstacles and reaches the goal efficiently.


Obstacle Avoidance:

While navigating through an environment, the robot must avoid obstacles to avoid collisions. The Navigation Stack provides several obstacle avoidance algorithms, such as the Dynamic Window Approach and the Elastic Band Method. These algorithms use sensor data to detect obstacles and plan a path that avoids them.


In this blog post, we have discussed the ROS Navigation Stack, which is a powerful tool for mobile robot navigation. The Navigation Stack provides several packages and algorithms for map creation, localization, path planning, and obstacle avoidance. By using the Navigation Stack, we can make mobile robots autonomous and enable them to navigate through unknown environments. In future blogs, I will explain each module one by one in detail.

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Mansoor Alam

I'm a mechatronics engineer with a passion for cutting-edge technology and a particular expertise in computer vision, deep learning, Robotics and ROS .