An experimental project on top of NuxtJs + GSAP based on Dribble Shot and served from Firebase for free

Mantas Skripkauskas
1 min readAug 1, 2021


I am a fan of fancy, exceptional design solutions and recently found web animations. Link to preview bellow.

Dribbble Shot by ★ Giulio Cuscito ★

Some time ago I came across a request for quotation for a Dribble Shot created by Giulio Cuscito, kudos to designer 👏🏻.

I didn’t received the project, nor do I know if the project was completed, but the animation kept bugging me and couldn’t helped myself — I had to do it. It is built on top of NuxtJs and animations implemented with GSAP. I didn’t implemented the mobile as I spent too much on it already and there might be GSAP animation issues, but all in all I am happy with the result which you can preview here.

Went with the build overboard and implemented travis and everything is running on top of firebase, with recent pricing changes of travis — zero uptime cost for life. Imagine how cheap everything is now.

Anyone interested, you can view the code at GitHub. Built by Baltcoda.



Mantas Skripkauskas

Founder of a web development studio —, based in Vilnius specialising in custom web & web application development within various sectors.