Step by Step : Install Android Studio, Visual Code & Flutter in Ubuntu

Manthan Ladva
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Note:- Pre-install Java and Set Path Properly

Android :-
Get Started with Installing with Android Studio
1. Go to this link “Android_Studio” -> Accept -> Download
2. Go to Downloads and right click on .tar.gz file & “Extract Here”.
3. Go to ./android-studio/bin/. Open Terminal in the same folder and execute this command “./”.
4. Initially there will be no SDK. Click {Next} -> {Next} -> {Finish}
5. Wait Till SDK Downloads Complete.
6. Start a new project -> Add_no_activity{next} -> Change path (optional)
-> {Finish}
7. Let the android studio load and build. It will take some time.
8. Once Done, Close the Terminal and Android Studio.
9. Open Terminal Anywhere & type this command
“sudo cp -r /home/<your-username-here>/Downloads/android-studio /usr/local/android-studio”
Change your name here “<your-username-here>” accordingly.
10. Run “sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 lib32bz2–1.0”
11. Run “cd /usr/local/android-studio/bin”.
12. Run “./” .

13. After opening Android Studio, Click on Tools on Titlebar & Click on Create Desktop Entry.

14. Close It. Also Terminal.

15. Search “Android” on clicking windows button on keyboard

16. Enjoy.

Flutter :-

Now Let’s See Flutter
1. Download The Flutter from Flutter link.
2. Run
cd ~/Documents
$ tar xf ~/Downloads/flutter_linux_v1.2.1-stable.tar.xz
3. Run cd /home/{current_user}
4. Update the path by Running this
gedit .bashrc
5. export PATH={path-of-sdk}/flutter/bin:$PATH
where, {path-of-sdk} = Flutter Directory, here Documents
6. Close Terminal.
7. Open Android Studio -> File -> Settings(Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Plugins

8. Search Flutter and Install.
9. After Downloading Flutter in Android Studio.
10. Enjoy Flutter

Visual Studio Code:-

Let’s Look to Visual Code
1. Run Following Commands:-
-> sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget
-> wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
-> sudo add-apt-repository “deb [arch=amd64] stable main”
-> sudo apt — fix-broken install
-> sudo apt install code
2. Search “Visual Code” on clicking windows button on keyboard & open it.
3. Press Ctrl+Swift+X & find Flutter, Install it and Quit Visual Studio.

Check It
1. Open Terminal on desktop and Run flutter doctor
2. All the steps are up-to-date.
3. Start Project.

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Happy Learning !

