MantisSwap Testnet Tutorial

Mantissa Finance
5 min readDec 9, 2022


The MantisSwap testnet is now live on Polygon Mumbai Network. The testnet tutorial is designed to get you started on using MantisSwap. Following the subsequent tutorial, you can familiarize yourself with Mantis dApp. Below is the step-by-step walkthrough of each feature.

Prerequisites — what you need to participate

  1. MetaMask Wallet (install here if you don’t have it already)
  2. Visit the testnet site at You will be asked to approve switching to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet network— do it.

Connect Wallet

On our testnet site, you’ll see the “Connect Wallet” button on the top right of your screen. You can connect with your MetaMask Wallet or use WalletConnect. Make sure to log in with the wallet address you submitted on our Tide campaign.

Getting test funds for Testnet

Once you have connected your wallet, click on the “Faucet” option in the left navigation sidebar to open the Faucet page. Click on the “Get Test Tokens” button to receive test tokens. The following tokens will be sent to your wallet:

  • tMATIC (used for gas)
  • USDC
  • USDT
  • DAI

For each of the stablecoins, you will need to click on the “Add to Wallet” button to see those tokens in your wallet. tMATIC will be included by default.

Note: These will be dummy tokens created for the sole purpose of testing. They can’t be used anywhere else. Users will be able to mint and use these tokens on our testnet website only.


You are brought to the Swap page by default once you visit the testnet link. You can easily navigate from the Swap page to the Pool page by selecting it on the left sidebar.

On the Swap page, you can select which tokens to swap from (tokens you sell) and to (tokens you buy). Feel free to set your custom settings for slippage tolerance and transaction deadline by clicking on the settings icon.

Once you’ve entered the swapping amount, you will be shown four information parameters:

  • Rate — exchange rate at which you will receive tokens (inclusive of fees)
  • Minimum Received — the minimum amount you will receive. If the amount falls below this, the transaction will revert.
  • Price Impact — the impact your trade has on the price of the pool
  • Fees — the amount that will be paid as fees

Click “Approve”, confirm on your wallet in the popup window and then click “Swap Tokens” to proceed with the transaction. A window will pop up showing details of the transaction, confirm the process on MetaMask, and a confirmation message will be shown on the bottom right.

Depositing and Withdrawing Liquidity

Go to the Pool page by selecting “Pool” on the left sidebar. You will be shown currently available pools (USDC, USDT and DAI). For each stablecoin pool, you can see the pool information like Liquidity Ratio, Pool TVL, the liquidity you have deposited and current APR. To add liquidity, click on the “DEPOSIT” button, and a popup will open. Enter the amount you wish to deposit and click Deposit. Confirm the action on your wallet to complete the deposit.

To directly deposit liquidity and stake your LP tokens, you can click on the “Deposit & Stake” button in the Deposit popup.

Similarly, you can remove liquidity from a pool you have deposited by clicking on the “WITHDRAW” button and specifying the amount you wish to withdraw. You can click on the “MAX” button to remove all the liquidity you have deposited. If you staked your tokens, you will need to first unstake them to withdraw.


Once you have deposited liquidity in a pool, you can stake your LP tokens to start earning MNT rewards (MNT is the name of the native token of MantisSwap). Click on the “Staking” option corresponding to the pool card. Enter the desired amount under the “STAKE” tab and click “Approve” and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Click “Stake LP” and confirm the transaction in your wallet, rewards will start accruing and you’ll be able to view the rewards under the “CLAIM” tab.


You can unstake the tokens you have staked previously by clicking on the “UNSTAKE” tab under the Staking option of the pool card. Enter the desired amount to unstake and click “Approve” and then click “Unstake LP”.

Claim MNT

All your earned tokens for a stablecoin pool will be visible under the “CLAIM” tab under the Staking option of the pool card.

Click the “Claim MNT” button to claim your rewards.

If you’ve gotten this far, congratulations! You have officially experienced the functionality and efficiency of MantisSwap Testnet. We look forward to hearing about your experience in the #testnet-feedback channel in Discord!

Stay connected with MantisSwap

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Mantissa Finance

Mantissa Finance redefines the stableswap experience on Polygon with its single-sided decentralised AMM, MantisSwap