PESIT Projects

Manu Bhardwaj
3 min readDec 15, 2003



15th December 2003: IPv4-IPv6 Header and Packet Translator

This project was implemented by Amit N Gandhi and me as a project requirement for the seventh semester Network Programming Laboratory. It is a basic protocol translator that captures packets at the Layer 2 level (as Ethernet frames), modifies or replaces the IP headers, and retransmits them on another interface.

To compile the source files, the libnet 1.1.1 and libpcap 0.7.2 “.a” files are required, and a minimum requirement for also exists.

CHAINS on the Web

15th December 2003: The “Child Health and Nutrition Information System” database project, implemented using Perl and PostGreSQL

For our seventh semester Internet Programming Laboratory, Amit N Gandhi and me implemented the CHAINS on the Web project as an extension of our CHAINS project previously implemented using Visual Basic for our sixth semester Database Management Systems Laboratory.

CHAINS on the Web is an HTML+Perl+SQL implementation of CHAINS.


18th June 2003: Multiplatform GUI Graphics Editor

As part of the syllabus requirements for the VTU sixth semester Computer Graphics Lab, Amit N Gandhi and me created the dual platform CUBISM! Graphics Editor that utilizes theAllegro Graphics Programming Library . The GCC compiler for Windows, DJGPP , was used on Windows while GNU GCC was used on Linux.

  • It works on both the Linux and Windows platforms without any requirement for modification of source code.
  • It works in the non-GUI mode in both platforms.
  • The default graphics environment uses a 16-colour mode.
  • The BMP bitmap format is the default format for CUBISM! — it can open, modify and save bitmap files of any size.
  • It currently has a default size of 800×600 pixel viewable area, with a maximum bitmap size of 640×480 pixels.
  • The primitive operations that it can perform are Freehand Curves, Lines, Bezier Curves, Filled Rectangles, Unfilled Rectangles, Filled Circles, Unfilled Circles, Filled Ellipses, Unfilled Ellipses, Filled Polygons and Unfilled Polygons.
  • The support operations currently enabled are Scale, Clip, Erase, Undo, Fill.
  • The basic clipboard operations Cut, Copy and Paste are implemented.
  • The file operations it implements are New, Open, Save, Save As, Close, Quit.

MSBang! Text Editor

30th December 2002: Console Text Editor for the *nix Platfom

As the fifth semester project for our System Software Laboratory in the Computer Science and Engineering course at PESIT, we designed a GNU/Linux-based screen text editor called MSBang, the first of the many VTU projects we have had to complete. The name is a twist of the creators’ names, Manu S Bhardwaj and Amit N Gandhi.

Some of its main features are:

  • Macro operations that start recording, stop recording, save and load oft-repeated editing patterns
  • Multi-threaded search capabilities with choice of thread scheduling priorities
  • Syntax highlighting systems with an easy facility for the creation of user-defined highlighting rules
  • Extensive documentation that accompanies the program
  • AutoSave and complete recovery of files in case MSBang crashes due to unforseen circumstances

All versions have been published implementing the GNU General Public License. IDEseq requires SEQUEL, a circuit simulation package, available here . It also requires the g77 compiler for Fortran to be installed.

LaTeX: Document Preparation in Linux

5th December 2002: Presentation on LaTeX at Linux Bangalore/2002

Hareesh Nagarajan and I presented a talk on LaTeX , a WYSIWYW system for very easy creation of presentation documents and PDFs. This talk was given at Linux Bangalore/2002, the primary Linux conference organized by the Bangalore Linux Users’ Group. I was also a volunteer at that event.

Take a look at:

IPv6 Presentation

8th August 2002: An Introduction to IPv6

I made a presentation titled An Introduction to IPv6 at the July/August 2002 meet of the former Bangalore Linux Users’ Group. The presentation contains short yet structured information about IPv4 and it’s improvements over IPv4, and serves as a very good self-contained introduction to IPv6.


February 2000: A ‘Snake’ game cloned using the Turbo C++ graphics library

This program was written as a mini-project for my Standard Twelve CBSE course in Computer Science. The requirement was a simple C++ program of our choice that showed our programming skills. Hari Balaji S and me created this snake program (now made so popular by the Nokia GSM handsets available in India) as the project. I personally was very happy with the results, and consider this among the best pieces of code I have written in my short, almost non-existent programming career.


