When software isn’t enough to build your brand… — Manufactured

3 min readJun 29, 2019


With new brands being started every day, we realize that there’s a lot of noise out there to navigate when building your vendor base, product and supply chain.

There’s a lot of product parameters to learn, technical details to master, and production systems to get familiar with.

Setting up “shop” has become a .2 hour exercise — www.shopify.com, www.wordpress.com, www.squarespace.com, and if you’re building something a bit more complex, there’s Ben Tossels “no code” makerpad.co.

“Sourcing” for new vendors has never been easier — Log on to any number of discovery sites — www.alibaba.com, www.ec21.com, www.globalsources.com, www.indiamart.com, www.makersrow.com... Submit your requirement, add a picture off a web search and voila, you have 100 messages in your inbox, exhorting you to buy from them.

“Procurement” has become simpler too! Whether its private label sourcing (use www.sourcify.com, www.supplycompass.com) or dropshipping OEM items (www.oberlo.com, www.aliexpress.com)

“Product Development” has a bunch of help too — Use www.techpacker.com, www.backboneplm.com, www.beproduct.com, www.ca.la or just use Excel and download templates from www.successfulfashiondesigner.com

“Logistics” has become easier with www.flexport.com, www.havenmx.com, www.shippabo.com and others.

So why then are people still getting shafted on a routine basis?

Two reasons:

1/ Expertise
2/ Curation

Whether you’re a 2-person startup inventing a new product, a growing brands trying to automate, streamline, scale and diversify. a legacy brand trying to create license revenue or an Influencer trying to build unique products, you’re on a steep learning curve if you’re

a) making a new product
b) finding new reliable vendors
c) exploring new distribution channels
d) testing a new brand / concept..

Doing any of these without adding expensive overhead, hiring a full time team and achieving the desired result is usually tough. You either end up spending significant $$$ on a learning curve — making mistakes, investing in inventory, losing time or on building a team which also might not end up in success.

In today’s world when speed to market, and try-before-you-buy is everything, running tests can be expensive.

That’s where Manufactured’s VIP service can help. We offer startups and new divisions the ability to test, build and validate new vendors, products and markets for a flat fee of $999 — You get a dedicated account manager, a curated network and a marketplace that charges you at cost. You’re always in control, you’re making the decision and we’re here as a guide and outsourced team member as you learn how to manage your supply chain your self.

All the VIP orders are managed using our PRO software, the cost of which is included in the VIP fee.

The VIP fee continues (without commitment) until you feel you’re ready to handle the supply chain on your own — At which point we simply hand off the system to you with all your data, vendors and team connected.

For a flat fee, you can now find a vendor, source a product, sample the product, negotiate a price and operate your supply chain. Without adding expensive hires, adding costly overhead or making a TON of mistakes that cost you $$$.

Try us out! visit https://vip.manufactured.net/

(Note: All vendor costs, sample fees, shipping fees, duties, and service fees are passed through to you — All liability and product risk associated with production is approved by you)

Originally published at https://manufactured.com on June 29, 2019.




Manufactured helps brands build and operate micro-supply chains for manufacturing in the new era of connected commerce.