Manveen Käûr
4 min readJan 28, 2017

All you need to know about Hypothyroidism

About the gland:

The thyroid gland is a major organ in the human body that is responsible for the production of hormones necessary in regulating metabolism. If such processes are interrupted, it can cause hypothyroidism.

What Is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones. This can happen after the surgical removal of the thyroid gland, if infants were born with congenital hypothyroidism, stress or simply if the thyroid gland is tired of working and is not functioning well. If these hormones are not produced adequately, symptoms like cold intolerance, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, goiter and even depression can occur.

Effects Of A Good Hypothyroidism Diet

If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, it may sound horrible, but you could be in it for life. This means you'll need to change your diet and lifestyle entirely. There must be a conscious and consistent plan for your everyday intake of food to prevent flares of symptoms that could disrupt your everyday routine. If you adhere strongly to your diet plan, then there shouldn't be any worries about symptom attacks later on.

Good Foods For Hypothyroidism

Foods that are rich in iodine are highly recommended in the struggle to ward off hypothyroidism. Below is a categorized list of good food sources.

Iodine-Rich Foods For Hypothyroidism

Iodized Salt
Seaweeds and Seafoods
Salt Water Fish
Nori Rolls
Celtic Sea Salt

Selenium-Rich Foods For Hypothyroidism

Whole Unrefined Grains
Brazil Nuts
Dairy Products

Iodine For Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland needs iodine. A well-balanced diet that includes iodine can help in alleviating the symptoms that you encounter with your condition. With the simplest intake of the foods mentioned above, you can greatly assist your thyroid in keeping up with your body's metabolism.

Foods To Avoid For Hypothyroidism

These foods must be avoided in order to prevent recurrence of hypothyroidism symptoms. Avoiding them will also prevent aggravating the already aggravated thyroid glands. Here is a list of foods to be avoided:

Mustard Greens

Goitrogenic Foods To Avoid For Hypothyroidism

The food items listed below can impede your body's ability to absorb iodine. And when your body can't absorb iodine, your thyroid gland will swell and you will eventually develop goiter. Some of the food listed above can also be goitrogenic.

Bamboo shoots
Soybeans and related products
Canola Oil
Foods with Gluten
Sweet Potato

Foods For Hypothyroidism:

Wild-caught fish – These provide omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA that are essential for hormone balance and thyroid function. Balancing the level of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in hypothyroidism diet can reduce inflammation and support healthy neurological function. Wild fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines are some of the best sources of omega-3s to increase neurotransmitter activity and support a healthy mood and immune system.

Coconut Oil – Provides medium-chain fatty acids in that support a healthy metabolism, increase energy and fight fatigue. A staple of the hypothyroidism diet, coconut oil is easy to digest, nourishes the digestive system and has antimicrobial, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that suppress inflammation. Coconut oil helps improve immunity and can increase brain function, endurance and your mood while stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Seaweeds – Some of the best natural sources of iodine, these help prevent deficiencies which disturb thyroid function and should appear in your weekly hypothyroidism diet. Kelp, nori and dulse are the best choices. Look for dried varieties of these at health food stores and use them in soups, with tuna fish or in fish cakes.

Probiotic-Rich Foods – These include kefir (a fermented dairy product) or organic goat’s milk yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, natto, sauerkraut and other fermented veggies. Part of hypothyroidism diet, probiotics help create a healthy gut environment by balancing microflora bacteria, which reduces leaky gut syndrome, nutrient deficiencies, inflammation and autoimmune reactions.

Sprouted Seeds – Flax, hemp and chia seeds provide ALA, a type of omega-3 fat that’s critical for proper hormonal balance and thyroid function. Adequate levels of fats in hypothyroidism diet support a healthy mood and brain function, while helping to lower inflammation. Eating plenty of healthy fats also stabilizes blood sugar levels and can help you stay at a healthy weight.

Clean Water – Water helps with hydration and digestive function while preventing fatigue and moodiness. For prevention of constipation, low energy and sugar cravings, drink at least eight ounces every two hours.

High-fiber foods – People with hypothyroidism may have digestive difficulties, so at least 30–40 grams of fiber is advisable daily. In addition to a high-fiber diet helping with digestive health, it improves heart health, balances blood sugar levels and supports a healthy weight by making you feel fuller. Some easy ways to increase fiber intake include eating more fresh vegetables, berries, beans, lentils and seeds.

Bone broth – Beef and chicken stock contain the amino acids which can help repair the digestive lining and improve hypothyroidism. Bone broth also contains numerous important minerals that nourish the digestive tract and prevent deficiencies like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and silicon. Also, bone broth has been shown to help overcome food sensitivities, improve energy and fight fatigue, increase immunity, and lower pain of the muscles and joints.

Fruits and Vegetables – These are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are necessary for combating free-radical damage and lowering inflammation. They are nutrient-dense and should make up a large portion of a healthy diet since they support digestive health, brain function, heart health, hormone balance and a healthy weight.
