Greetings, 👋

I work in all things data, whether it be data analytics, data quality, data visualizations, data engineering, cloud services, machine learning, and AI.

I mainly focus on building my data science knowledge by reading up on documentation, textbooks, and web articles. I then put it all into practice by developing projects and publishing them all here on Medium!

I love documenting my learning journey because it demonstrates how far I come and I hope it inspires other to pursue career within data analytics/data science!

You can find more of my work on my Github page. I also share content about data science on my LinkedIn, Mastodon, Twitter accounts.

Check out my github and featured projects!

Views expressed are my own.

Medium member since July 2023
Connect with Willie Man
Willie Man

Willie Man

Life Learner | Masters of Applied Data Science @ University of Michigan | AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning | Projects: