Cleanliness Drive

A Campaign

Manyata Pawagi
3 min readJul 3, 2018

My School, gave us a task to organize a Cleanliness Drive in our Neighborhood. I thought that this was a great chance for me to make people aware about this crucial cause — about how maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in their surroundings will curb diseases and result in better health among all.

The Poster I made for my Campaign

The aim of the Campaign was to Generate awareness about cleanliness in our surroundings so that people may keep themselves healthy and Clean. People appreciated me as well my School for taking this noble initiative. I visited some people at their home, and met others in the park, and delivered my speech about Cleanliness and Hygiene and Pollution Control.

Hello, I am working on a campaign to generate awareness about the importance cleanliness in the environment. Today, we are facing a lot of problems due to dirty and impure environmental conditions, which, directly or indirectly, impact our health. I want to discuss a few methods through which we can give our own involvement in cleaning the environment, thereby ensuring disease and pollution free surroundings.

People should not throw garbage here and there as garbage attracts flies and germs, which are responsible for spreading various diseases, mainly among children and the elderly.

People should not urinate or defecate in open as it leads to a foul smelling surrounding, and also results in development of various disease causing germs.

Spitting here and there also spoils the environment, and people should thus avoid doing so.

Everybody should avoid the use of Polythene, as it is non-biodegradable and does not break down into the soil. Sometimes, land and water animals consume these plastic bags and often choke to death. If this plastic is burnt, it releases quite a lot of polluting gases and fumes which are harmful for us, as they are often the cause of respiratory diseases.

Please join me in this mission to make our environment and the earth pollution and disease free. Thank you Everybody!

Here are a few photographs of the people I got to involve in my campaign.

Let us all Pledge, today itself, of ensuring a clean and pollution — free earth for us and our future generations!

Hello, I am Manyata Pawagi, a 9 year old girl, with a passion of writing. I am a wanna-be author, who wants to become rich and famous one day. I like to compose poems, draw paintings, make craft works, and write stories.

PS This Story has been Cross Published from my Blog, LearningFly.

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