Conda Cheat Sheet

2 min readMar 29, 2024

Conda is a powerful package manager for managing environments and dependencies in Python and other languages. Conda keeps your projects organized and avoids conflicts.

Here’s a quick reference guide to get you started: (1) conda basics, (2) environment management and (3) package management.

1 Conda Basics

  • Verify conda is installed, check version number:
conda info
  • Command line help:
conda create --help     # get the info of the command "create"
  • Show version information for the current active Python:
python --version
  • Show the locations of all versions of Python currently in the path (NOTE: The first version of Python in the list will be executed):
where python      # Windows
which -a python # Linux, macOS
  • Run an installed package such as Jupyter Notebook:

2 Environment Management

  • Create a new environment:
conda create -n myenv             # Create environment "myenv"
conda create -n myenv python=3.8 # Create environment "myenv" with Python 3.8
  • Create an environment from a saved environment:
conda myenv create --file saved_env.txt
  • Clone an environment:
conda create --clone…




Passionate about sharing knowledge in my journey to explore AI/ML and solving real-world problems. Curious about consciousness and how the brain works.