More about LoraConfig from PEFT

3 min readSep 5, 2023

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) enable efficient adaptation of pre-trained models to downstream applications without fine-tuning all the model’s parameters. PEFT supports the widely-used Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models (LoRA).

To create a LoRA model from a pretrained transformer model, we import and set up LoraConfig. For example,

from peft import LoraConfig
config = LoraConfig(
target_modules=["q", "v"],

Let’s go over the arguments in LoraConfig.

LoRA Dimension / Rank of Decomposition r

For each layer to be trained, the d × k weight update matrix ∆W is represented by a low-rank decomposition BA, where B is a d × r matrix and A is a r × k matrix. The rank of decomposition r is << min(d,k). The default of r is 8.

A is initialized by random Gaussian numbers so the initial weight updates have some variation to start with. B is initialized by by zero so ∆W is zero at the beginning of training.

Alpha Parameter for LoRA Scaling lora_alpha

According to the LoRA article Hu et. al., ∆W is scaled by α / r where α is a constant. When optimizing with Adam, tuning α is roughly the same as tuning the learning rate if the initialization was scaled appropriately. The reason is that the number of parameters increases linearly with r. As you increases r, the values of the entries in ∆W also scale linearly with r. We want ∆W to scale consistently with the pretrained weights no matter what r is used. That’s why the authors set α to the first r and do not tune it. The default of α is 8.

Modules to Apply LoRA to target_modules

You can select specific modules to fine-tune. According to, loralib only supports nn.Linear, nn.Embedding and nn.Conv2d. It is common practice to fine-tune linear layers. To find out what modules your model has, load the model with the transformers library in Python and then print(model). The default is None. If you want to fine-tune all linear layers, do this

import re
pattern = r'\((\w+)\): Linear'
linear_layers = re.findall(pattern, str(model.modules))
target_modules = list(set(linear_layers))

Dropout Probability for LoRA Layers lora_dropout

Dropout is a technique to reduce overfitting by randomly selecting neurons to ignore with a dropout probability during training. The contribution of those selected neurons to the activation of downstream neurons is temporally removed on the forward pass, and any weight updates are not applied to the neuron on the backward pass. The default of lora_dropout is 0.

Bias Type for Lora bias

Bias can be ‘none’, ‘all’ or ‘lora_only’. If ‘all’ or ‘lora_only’, the corresponding biases will be updated during training. Even when disabling the adapters, the model will not produce the same output as the base model would have without adaptation. The default is None.

Task Type task_type

It seems that everything works just fine without specifying task_type. Possible task types include CAUSAL_LM, FEATURE_EXTRACTION, QUESTION_ANS, SEQ_2_SEQ_LM, SEQ_CLS and TOKEN_CLS.

Other Arguments

The remaining arguments including fan_in_fan_out, modules_to_save, layers_to_transform and layers_pattern are less frequently used.


Microsoft LoRA:
LoRA config:




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