What is the MAP Method™ of Neural Retraining?

Learn about the latest energy-psychology technique for retraining the brain.


A relaxed meditative state. Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.

The MAP Method™ is the latest energy-based neural retraining technique which has been described as a quantum leap over EMDR and EFT. It differs from basic methods of neural retraining, such as DNRS or Gupta, as it works directly with the subconscious mind.

Basic methods, which work through the conscious mind to influence the subconscious, require hours of practice. With the MAP Method, your brain rewires itself during the session, no practice needed.

Unlike hypnosis, MAP sessions require a relaxed, meditative state — not a trance state. You are awake and aware during the entire session. MAP Sessions are done at a distance over Zoom videoconference.

At your first session we choose a subject such as a phobia, anxiety trigger, or painful emotional memory. Topics for follow-on sessions may include a negative mood state, unwanted behavior, repressive personality trait, limiting belief, repetitive negative thought, or physical symptom.

In each session you form an intention and choose a specific memory related to your topic and rate the intensity of the emotions around it. As you focus on your memory, the MAP Practitioner offers instructions to your subconscious. These are plain English instructions such as, “Please neutralize the painful emotions around this memory and any related memories.” Your brain will start to identify related memories and neutralize them. Your subconscious mind sets the pace and is in charge of the session at all times — your brain is healing itself!

What is the experience like?

Most people report feeling relaxed and peaceful by the end of a MAP session. During the session, you may notice the sensation of rewiring as a tingling, buzzing, or REM eye movements. You may sense that your mind is working on something, though you may not be aware of what it is. Some clients are able to observe their minds flipping through memories as if searching a database.

It’s important to understand that we are not erasing memories. You’ll still have the memory, but it will be less intense.

What is the point of neutralizing memories?

All behaviors — emotional, mental, or physical — are based on a collage of memories. The brain ranks memories by their emotional intensity; the more intense the memory, the greater its impact. When the intensity of the memories is neutralized the associated behavior is de-prioritized in the operating system of the mind, and the pattern can be changed. This may happen briefly after one session, and last longer after repeated sessions.

How does this work?

It’s deceptively simple from the client’s point of view, but there are complex factors at play. Clients’ receptivity to the method varies, but in general people who are more emotionally sensitive, empathic, creative, or intuitive are more receptive. Also, people who have a strong meditation or prayer practice are excellent candidates.

It’s also important to find the right practitioner. Although all MAP practitioners use the same general technique, we bring to it our other training, background, and expertise. Even more important than the spoken instructions are the practitioner’s empathic and intuitive skill, their ability to tune into your energy, and their experience.

Currently there are fewer than 200 MAP Method practitioners in the world, which is why you probably haven’t heard of it yet. The technique is still very new and training has only been available for a few years through the MAP Coaching Institute.

The method was originally developed over a 20-year period by a Canadian experimental and clinical psychologist who was a student of Francine Shapiro (EMDR), Roger Callahan (TFT) and adept at many other techniques. It was renamed the MAP Method (Make Anything Possible) after further development and systemization by Colette Streicher, licensed psychotherapist, and her son, Val Streicher.


  • The MAP Method™ is the latest energy-psychology technique.
  • The brain rewires itself during the session, no practice needed.
  • During a MAP session you are in a relaxed meditative state.
  • Sessions are done via Zoom videoconference.
  • Neutralizing painful memories de-prioritizes the associated behaviors.
  • People who are emotionally sensitive, empathic, creative, intuitive or have a strong meditation practice are especially receptive to the MAP Method.

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Madeleine Lowry, NTP, CMMP
MAP Method(TM) Coaching Institute

A certified MAP Method Practitioner specializing in neural retraining for chronic health conditions. Founder of TCNeuralRetraining.com and MAPforHealth.us.