Aelf selected for Huobi’s HB10 Index

Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018
aelf selected in top 10 most reliable investment by Huobi

A month ago, Crypto-Exchange Huobi pro introduced the first of its kind Huobi 10, also referred to as the HB10 fund. Modeled somewhat after the ETFs of traditional financial markets, the HB10 offers Huobi users a chance to put their money into a well-researched and guided fund that more often than not outperforms the overall crypto market on a given day. This move signals a new era in crypto-investing, as it demonstrates how the market is beginning to evolve in scope and complexity, much as traditional financial markets are constantly becoming more advanced and complex.

So how is Huobi creating a fund that manages to outperform the market average? Those with more investing experience would know that unlike in a stock market, crypto index funds generally underperform actively managed funds or simply just holding BTC, so in order to create a fund that works, Huobi researchers chose some of the most consistent and promising blockchain projects of all different types. Drawing from 4 main areas of traditional crypto coins, platforms, applications, and real asset tokens, the HB10 places money into 10 of these decentralized assets with different ratios depending on market share. By having a diverse and highly selective snapshot of the market, changes to one class of asset will not as dramatically affect the overall value of the HB10.

HB10 Index will be used by many Investment funds for reliable projects to invest in

Although aelf is relatively young compared to some of the other coins selected, the choice to include it as a part of the ‘platform’ section of this index is a clear indicator as to its success and well-founded model. A highly innovative blockchain platform aimed at bridging the gap between blockchain technology and the existing business world, aelf has pioneered solutions to three of the most common problems among most modern blockchains: the lack of scalability, the lack of resource segregation, and the lack of a solid or adaptable governance system. The aelf system is comprised of a mainchain and with numerous sidechains branching off. Each sidechain can be tailored to meet a specific type of business need with unique smart contracts, while still able to communicate and relay information to other chains on the aelf system, as well as external blockchains. In today’s modern, diverse economy, this has naturally made it a favorite among serious players in the business world.

This business-oriented mindset has been reflected in aelf’s continued success on crypto trading markets, with the value of the ELF token currently up over 700% relative to the private sale price, and has risen as high as 2000% on multiple occasions. The past 7 months have seen the general cryptocurrency market experience some large corrections and has been a generally bearish time for cryptocurrency values, but these sustained gains for aelf reflect the dedication and success of the team, as well as the increasing recognition of aelf’s future potential.

With the testnet launched successfully on June 30th and an increasing number of dApps planning to build on aelf, it’s become increasingly clear that the second half of 2018 will be a promising time for this project. Huobi recognizes both their future potential, as well as their current and historical stability, making the aelf project a clear choice for the HB10. With the amount of recognition aelf is getting from top cryptocurrency companies, global funds and the Chinese Government, it’s become almost impossible to ignore.



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Head of Content Creation & Community Engagement for aelf. Crypto investor, trader, maker and baker - all things crypto