Gradle command

Gradle command: Important gradle command for Android

Abhishek Rai
2 min read5 hours ago

Gradle is a powerful default build system used in Android development to automate the process of compiling, testing, packaging, and deploying applications for Android applications.

It is the default build tool for Android Studio and provides a flexible and customizable build automation environment.

Key Features of Gradle in Android:

  1. Build Automation:
    Gradle automates the compilation, testing, packaging, and deployment processes, making it easier to manage complex build configurations.
  2. Dependency Management:
    Gradle handles dependencies for libraries and frameworks, ensuring that all required components are included in the build. It can automatically download dependencies from repositories like Maven Central or JCenter.
  3. Custom Build Configurations:
    Gradle allows developers to define custom build configurations, such as different flavors (e.g., free vs. paid versions), build types (e.g., debug vs. release), and product variants. This makes it easy to manage multiple versions of an app.
  4. Plugin Support:
    Gradle’s functionality can be extended with plugins. The Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) is specifically designed for Android projects and provides tasks and configurations tailored to Android development.
  5. Incremental Builds:
    Gradle supports incremental builds, meaning it only rebuilds parts of the project that have changed, which can significantly speed up the build process.
  6. Integration with Android Studio:
    Gradle is tightly integrated with Android Studio, providing a seamless development experience. The IDE uses Gradle for project configuration and builds.

Build Commands

Here are some of the most commonly used Gradle commands for Android

Build Commands

Assemble Debug Build: Builds the debug APK.

./gradlew assembleDebug

Assemble Release Build: Builds the release APK.

./gradlew assembleRelease

Assemble Specific Variant: Builds a specific variant, e.g., assembleDebug or assembleRelease

./gradlew assemble<VariantName>

Clean Build: Cleans the build directory

./gradlew clean

Build and Install APK: Installs the APK on a connected device or emulator.

./gradlew installDebug
./gradlew installRelease

Testing Commands

Run Unit Tests: Runs all unit tests.

./gradlew test

Run Instrumented Tests: Runs instrumented tests on connected devices

./gradlew connectedAndroidTest

Dependency Management

Download Dependencies: Downloads and sets up all project dependencies.

./gradlew build

Refresh Dependencies: Forces a refresh of all dependencies.

./gradlew --refresh-dependencies

Lint and Code Quality:

Run Lint Checks: Runs Android Lint checks.

./gradlew lint

Run Code Analysis: Runs all code analysis tasks, including lint, tests, and other checks.

./gradlew check

Advanced Commands

Show Task List: Displays a list of available tasks.

./gradlew tasks

Show Dependencies: Displays the dependency tree for the project.

./gradlew dependencies

Generate Signed APK: Generates a signed APK for release (ensure the signing configuration is set in your build.gradle).

./gradlew assembleRelease

Performance Commands

Performance Commands: Enables parallel execution of tasks.

./gradlew build --parallel

Configure Build Caching: Enables the build cache to improve build times.

./gradlew build --build-cache

Debugging and Logging

Full Stacktrace: Shows the full stacktrace for errors.

./gradlew build --stacktrace

Debug Logging: Enables debug logging.

./gradlew build --debug

Info Logging: Enables info logging.

./gradlew build --info

