What the Tech? What is XR +How Can It Apply to the Workplace?

“What are some different ways to use XR within the workplace?”

Marah Berezowsky
4 min readAug 26, 2020
Human Resource Executive

XR, also known as Immersive technology has proven its capabilities and popularity within the gaming industry for years. You’ve seen the ocular headsets that take the gamer to “another world.”

Heck, you probably even remember a few years back when Pokémon Go was the newest app craze swiping smart phones everywhere.

Well, guess what!?

XR is also becoming a quick rising star when implemented into the workplace!

Games at work you say?! What... The... Tech..?

Well…no, not exactly, but kind of. It’s more like workforce education and simulation through an immersive learning experience that satisfies that gaming itch.

What is XR (Immersive Technology)?
XR or Immersive technology is a digital simulation which
emulates a new reality. It offers a surrounding sensory feeling
to the user who feels nearly fully engulfed in the experience.

XR can be broken down into a few sub-categories: virtual
reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR).

Sounds pretty straight forward and some-what overwhelming
at the same time right? Don’t fear, let’s get the skinny on each
of these immersive tech sublets.

Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual reality is computer-generated technology that uses an electronic device such as a headset, helmet or glasses. Through this device, the user can experience three dimensional images, surround sound of a seemingly new world that they can interact with in a realistic way.

Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented reality is similar to virtual reality in the fact that it too uses an electronic device such as a smart phone which superimposes computer-generated holograms and images front and center. This time, through AR, it’s not in an imaginary world, but rather in real-life view in front of the users’ eyes.

Mixed Reality (MR)
Taking a page from both digital books so to speak, mixed reality allows the user to see the real world, just like in AR as well as offering life-like virtual objects as in VR. This provides for a new environment where physical and virtual objects coexist in which can be explored and interacted with.

Applications of XR (Immersive Technology) in the Workplace

The exciting thing about XR, or immersive technology is the fact that this is NOT a new exploration.

In fact, it has been around for ages.

Try…the 1800s! This was when the first technology ideas were born and soon thereafter as reported by The Franklin Institute, the technology slowly developed into what we know it as today, immersive technology.

So, you question:

“What are some different ways to use XR within the workplace?”

Employee Training Simulations
- Creating fun, inventive, and immersive learning experiences for employees that will resonate longer due to their profound impact.
- The simulation of crisis situations will equip employees with the knowledge of what to do in time sensitive predicaments.

Virtual/Augmented/ Mixed Reality Meetings
- By shrinking the distance between remote locations for meetings, conferences and on-site training improved communications are a definite.
- Can offer highly detailed representations of three dimensional graphs, prototypes and/or images which engage members of meetings with more comprehension.

- The hiring process can be lengthy and dicey if the right candidate(s) are not selected. XR can offer enhanced support in this area of human resources.

Enhanced Learning Experiences
- Offers layers of data for detailed explanations on how to perform or carry out a function. An example may be: information bubble overlays by use of smart device during a current project.
- Immersive technology can provide workflow optimization by way of providing the employee additional information on clients, reports, and/or during important calls all in real-time. This saves time which ultimately snowballs into increasing efficiency and productivity.

The above list is certainly not a complete outline of all that XR can provide to workplaces, as the number of ways of integration could be endless.

The gist of all of this is; immersive technology is quite essential within any and all companies.

The benefits from XR integration can soar in every position; from human resource departments to project managers and even hourly workers.

As you can see, immersive technology isn’t solely for gamers any longer. Blue and white-collar workers alike can appreciate the innovative experiences XR offers in an unforgettable workplace setting.

