(PDF Download) How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By Peter Andrei

Mara Huoh
3 min readJun 12, 2024


How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By Peter Andrei

[PDF] How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By Peter Andrei
[PDF] Download How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By Peter Andrei

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Should We Go Extinct?: A Philosophical Dilemma for Our Unbearable Times By Todd May

In his thought-provoking book, “Should We Go Extinct?: A Philosophical Dilemma for Our Unbearable Times,” philosopher Todd May grapples with a question that is both unsettling and increasingly relevant: Given the suffering inherent in human existence and the devastation we inflict upon the planet, would it be ethically permissible for humanity to cease to exist?

May doesn’t shy away from the gravity of this question. He acknowledges the natural human instinct for survival, the deep-seated desire to see our species thrive. Yet, he urges readers to confront the uncomfortable realities of our time. Climate change, widespread poverty, political instability, and the ever-present threat of nuclear war paint a bleak picture of the present and cast a long shadow on the future.

The book delves into the philosophical underpinnings of the extinction question. May explores various ethical frameworks, examining the potential justifications for and against human extinction. He dissects the concepts of harm, responsibility, and the value of existence, challenging readers to think critically about the moral implications of our actions as a species.

“Should We Go Extinct?” is not a manifesto for human annihilation. May doesn’t offer a definitive answer to the question posed in the title. Instead, he presents a nuanced and challenging exploration of the ethical complexities surrounding our existence. He compels us to confront the possibility that our continued presence on Earth might be doing more harm than good, not just to ourselves but to countless other species.

May masterfully interweaves philosophical arguments with real-world examples, making the abstract concrete and relatable. He examines the devastating impact of climate change, the ethical implications of technological advancements, and the moral responsibility we bear for future generations. Through these tangible examples, he brings the philosophical dilemma of extinction into sharp focus.

The book’s strength lies not only in its thought-provoking arguments but also in its accessibility. May avoids dense philosophical jargon, opting instead for clear and engaging language. He invites readers from all backgrounds to participate in this crucial conversation, recognizing that the question of human extinction is not merely an academic exercise but a pressing issue with profound implications for us all.

“Should We Go Extinct?” is a deeply unsettling yet ultimately hopeful book. While May doesn’t shy away from the bleak realities we face, he also highlights the potential for human ingenuity and compassion. He suggests that confronting the possibility of our own extinction might be the very thing that compels us to change course, to create a more just and sustainable future.

In conclusion, “Should We Go Extinct?” is a timely and essential read. It is a book that will stay with you long after you finish the last page, prompting you to question your assumptions, confront uncomfortable truths, and ultimately, re-evaluate your place in the world. It is a call to action, urging us to consider the ethical implications of our existence and strive to create a future where the question of human extinction is no longer a philosophical dilemma but a distant hypothetical.

Download PDF How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By : Peter Andrei
PDF/Ebook How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By : Peter Andrei
PDF How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By : Peter Andrei
DOWNLOAD PDF How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By : Peter Andrei
READ PDF How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology to Influence With Ease (Speak for Success) By : Peter Andrei

