How to Be Fluent in a Language: Revealing the Secrets

5 min readDec 12, 2022

I’m here to reveal the secrets to being fluent in a foreign language, so keep reading to find out!

Photo by Harry Brewer on Unsplash

You’re here to know the secrets, and there is no point in writing paragraphs explaining things you’ve probably read before so that I will get to the point right away.

The big secret to becoming fluent is to practice speaking the language.

I know, not surprising at all, but hear me out!

I speak a few languages and have also learned a few other languages throughout my life. If I list them now, it will take up more of your time, but I know various languages in varying degrees.

For this article, I will use English as an example.

So, I’ve been speaking English daily for the past decade since I moved to the United States. Before moving here, I only learned English from textbooks, studied grammar religiously, and wrote essays at school for about 6 years.

But when I first started using English as a first language daily, this is how I felt:

Did I understand English well?

Of course, my understanding was perfect and precise except for cultural references, slang words, idioms, etc. Things that only native English speakers would understand were things that challenged…




I write about languages, personal development and music. Graphic Design student and a photography enthusiast.