Power BI tricks I can’t live without — Part 1

Data Pears
4 min readAug 30, 2022

That’s right! There are a few things that I use a lot in Power BI, and no, I’m not talking about buttons, bookmarks and the selection pane, even though these 3 are definitely the ones I use the most.

I’m talking about those small, almost hidden options, those ones you barely notice when you’re new to Power BI. Having this, I decided to share with you some of the tricks I’m using all the time during my report development.

Let’s get started!

1. Change Slicer Orientation

Did you know you can change the appearance of a slicer by changing the orientation to Horizontal?

It’s as going to the formatting tab of the slicer properties and change the Orientation option to Horizontal:

2. Matrix: Show values in rows instead of columns

Another one I wish I knew sooner! Did you know you can have values shown in rows instead of columns?

Let’s check how this works: on your matrix visual, click on the Formatting Tab and under the Values section make the option Show on rows active:

