Control your home using only Javascript

francesco marassi
5 min readApr 26, 2017

How to use React, Node.js and Espruino on ESP8266 to build some smart home components

NodeMCU, the base component of my Smart Home

In the last 2 months I spent some nights creating a smart home architecture, based exclusively on Javascript.

Why? There are already plenty of solutions on the internet.

Two main reasons:

  • Price: I didn’t want to spend >40$ for a single smart switch. I should be able to make my home intelligent with less than 10$ for every component.
  • Know your code: after some IoT scandals I wanted to know exactly what every component is doing in every moment. That’s also the reason why I published everything on my Github account.

The project (that I called Aurora) is based on:

  • React + Redux for the Front-End
  • Node.JS for the Back-End
  • Espruino for the components (based on ESP8266)

As you can see, there are three main components in this architecture:

Progressive Web App

