Case Study — Heroin Addict

Marbell Sober
3 min readNov 4, 2019


Currently, the team is working with a 29 yr old heroin addict from Southern Europe. We have placed the client in a two bed two bath maisonette on top of a hill overlooking the Mediterranean, the views are spectacular. Day to day we have secured the services of two sober companions working two weeks on and two weeks off to ensure there is no burn out from the team.

The client arrived from the Harambe Detox center in Valencia. The client had used Ibogaine six times previously to escalate the detox needed. One of my issues with Ibogaine is as follows. Ibogaine does an incredible job. It resets the system if administered properly. However, Ibogaine does not change the behavioral issues of the addict, and it does not deal with the trauma most addicts have experienced. Therefore, long term recovery needs extra help to deal with deep-rooted depression or personality disorders.

Thankfully, after consultation with our Medical and Clinical Team, we do not believe the current client has a personality disorder. We feel after abusing Heroin for many years, this has harmed the client’s mental condition. The client does suffer from bouts of depression and a poor sense of self which leads to low self-esteem. We are working on the basics with him. Personal hygiene. Communication skills. Inter-personal skills.

The Functional Medicine Team has worked brilliantly with the client. The food is probably the best we have delivered to date. The menu is bespoke to the client’s needs, post blood, and stool tests. We have a clear nutritional strategy that includes items such as Magnesium Flakes and Probiotics.

Client and Sober Companion joined a team member who acted as a guide whilst they used the entire day to trek through the lakes in El Chorro. The lakes are spectacular. Truth be told, Andalusia, Southern Spain, is spectacular. There are so many activities to get involved with. As we are now coming into Winter, the rain has been pouring down on the coast, which means only one thing in the mountains. Snow.

In the Winter we like to drive to Sierra Nevada first thing, ski through the morning from 9 until around 2 pm, before packing our bags and making for the beach for afternoon Paella. On a perfect day, when the wind is not blowing, it is possible to ski with a t-shirt and sunbath in your swimmers.

Sometimes taking drugs is life and death. From my own experience at times I have wanted to die. However, I am pleased I am still here. There are some amazing things to do in life. One of the most amazing things in life I have ever achieved is to complete working the 12 Steps of Recovery. It is an incredible achievement.

the truth is simple. A lot of people attempt to get clean of drugs and alcohol and other behaviors, but very few people make it. The percentage chance of success increases if the addict is willing to accept responsibility and to participate in life. first things first. Complete the work. Complete the 12 Steps.

After consultation with the family over the last few days, we are moving forward with a second twenty-eight-day contract. Tuesday and Thursday the team provides yoga with functional medicine. The yoga instructor is exceptional. She is controlled and very well presented. She also considers the flow of the patient’s recovery and responds accordingly.

Exercise is plentiful. Medical research suggests regular exercise is required for all human beings. Addicts and alcoholics are no different. The choice of the gym location is perfectly situated on the front line of the beach. With all the necessary facilities we encourage a minimum of three workouts per week, and if it was me I would be there day in and day out.

Today I love being alive. Today life is a miracle. Know more information about Alcohol and Drug Detoxification Spain.



Marbell Sober

The Marbella Sober Home is Southern Europe’s premier secondary care solution designed for addicts .