Generation Z: The lesser-known facts about the future workforce

Marble Box Solutions LLP
3 min readDec 15, 2023


“Overachievers” “Lazy” “Individualist” “Extremist”

Generation Z is often associated with terms like this. It feels like looking at a spectrum when addressing Gen Z.

This generation is very different from its predecessor. Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is rapidly entering the workforce, bringing with them a unique set of values, expectations, and perspectives. Gen Z is poised to disrupt traditional norms and redefine the way they work.

But what is the truth about this generation?

Are they the new hope? or doom?

Let’s explore together:

Think Instagram, not telephone: Gen Z grew up with the internet woven into their lives. They are tech-savvy, comfortable with online communication and collaboration, and expect seamless digital experiences in the workplace.

Compared to Baby Boomers, who adapted to technology later in life, and Millennials, who were early adopters but still remember a pre-internet world.

Meaning over money: Gen Z wants to make a difference. They are drawn to careers that align with their values, whether it’s environmental sustainability, social justice, or ethical business practices.

Whereas Generation X, prioritized work-life balance and financial security, Millennials valued self-expression and meaning in their work.

Real connections, not corporate facades: Gen Z craves transparency and open communication. They want to feel heard and valued in their workplaces, and they value authentic relationships with colleagues and leaders.

Previous generations were accustomed to more hierarchical and formal work environments.

The world is their playground: Gen Z is connected to the world beyond borders. They are aware of global challenges and open to diverse perspectives, making them adaptable and collaborative in a globalized world.

Previous generations may have had a more localized perspective and less exposure to diverse cultures and viewpoints.

Just like other generations, Generation Z also has its shortcomings, such as:

  • Distraction: Easily diverted by technology, and requires strategies for focus.
  • Instant gratification: They seek immediate feedback and recognition, requiring timely support.
  • Impulsiveness: May need guidance to channel impulsiveness into productive innovation.
  • Shorter attention span: Benefit from engaging and interactive learning experiences.

Gen Z is not just entering the workforce; they are redefining it. By understanding their values, needs, and aspirations, we can create a workplace that attracts, retains, and empowers this generation of talented individuals. Yes, they’re tech-savvy and crave feedback, but their dedication to purpose and passion for progress are unmatched. They are innovative and propelled by a strong drive for change. This generation is always on the go and warrants a promising future ahead.

And at Marble Box, we’re here to nurture their fire. We provide the platform, the guidance, and the support they need to turn their passion into impact. We believe in the power of Gen Z.



Marble Box Solutions LLP

Marble Box provides managed back-office services for independent insurance agencies helping to "Build Better Agencies."