$ARTEX Tokenomics & Airdrop Guide

4 min readMar 1, 2023


Marble Platform is going to be multi-chain as $ARTEX will be launched on NEAR Protocol. The Airdrop event will occurr on 3rd March 2023. In this article, we will explain how the ARTEX tokenomics works and how to position yourself for the airdrop.

Marble with Phygital NFTs, AR/VR, Metaverse

What is $ARTEX?

Our token’s name, $ARTEX, embodies our fundamental beliefs of blending ART and EXTENDED REALITY. Our aim was to encapsulate our mission and vision within this name before presenting it to our dedicated followers. Without any more delays, let’s dive into the details of how we plan to make it a reality.


$ARTEX will have a maximum supply of 210,000 tokens. At launch, the circulating supply will be around 27,000 $ARTEX. We’ll mint only the initial 10% of the Airdrop, part of the 35% to add liquidity for $wNEAR pool and the incentives of the first year. Nothing more.

The $ARTEX distribution will be as follows:

  • Airdrop: 30% of the total token supply, which amounts to 63,000 tokens.
  • Liquidity Management: 15% of the total token supply, which amounts to 31,500 tokens. Of these, 7,000 $ARTEX tokens will be reserved for the ARTEX/wNEAR liquidity pool, while the remaining tokens will be utilized to generate additional liquidity pools.
  • Liquidity Incentives: 35% of the total token supply, which amounts to 73,500 tokens. The incentives will be distributed over a period of 5 years, with a yearly emission rate of 14,700 tokens. This will ensure that the incentives are spread out over time, providing a steady stream of rewards to users who continue to contribute to the network’s growth.
  • Investors: 7.5% of the total token supply, which amounts to 15,750 tokens. These tokens will be traded over-the-counter, and further details regarding vesting and locking periods are yet to be determined.
  • Strategic Partnerships: 7.5% of the total token supply, which amounts to 15,750 tokens.
  • Community and Ecosystem: 5% of the total token supply, which amounts to 10,500 tokens. These tokens will be distributed through various interactive methods, such as giveaways, airdrops, contests, and prizes. Keep an eye on our social media platforms for updates.


Marble has announced the eligibility criteria for its upcoming airdrop of $ARTEX tokens to its community members. A total of 5,373 wallets will receive the airdrop, with 4768 wallets (~90%) allocated to Juno users and 605 wallets (~10%) allocated to Near testers.

Juno Users: 4768 Wallets (~90% of the Airdrop)

The following Juno users will receive the airdrop:

  • Marblenauts stakers and holders
  • Liquidity Providers (LPers) on $BLOCK Pools
  • DAO stakers

We have excluded positions smaller than $5 from the selection process and the amount of staked capital has not been a factor in determining the airdrop amount. Instead, the quantity of Marblenauts held and staked is crucial in calculating the airdrop amount, with more Marblenauts translating to a higher allocation of $ARTEX tokens, up to a maximum of 10 NFTs. For users with more than 10 Marblenauts, the allocation is simply calculated as 10. The active participation of voters has also been taken into account to increase the number of tokens distributed in the airdrop.

Near Users: 605 Wallets (~10% of the Airdrop)

The following categories of Near users are eligible for the airdrop:

  • Users who served as beta testers from day 0 until January 31st are entitled to the airdrop.
  • The testnet remains operational, with plans for additional rewards in the future (keep using it!)
  • Early testers will receive a bonus.
  • The actions taken on the testnets (specifically which ones and how many) will be taken into account.
  • Additionally, certain outstanding users who discovered bugs and provided valuable feedback will be recognized by the team and may be selected for bonuses.

When and How?

Let’s delve into the specifics of how and when you can claim your airdrop. Mark your calendars for March 3rd, as this is the launch day for the airdrop distribution.

On launch day, you’ll receive 10% of the airdrop automatically, without any additional steps required on your part. You can verify your allocation by visiting our NFTs Marketplaces. The remaining 90% of the airdrop will be released in weekly increments of 5%, but there’s a catch!

Half of each weekly 5% portion (equivalent to 2.5%) will be automatically deposited into your wallet, just like the 10% on launch day. However, the other half will only be unlocked upon completion of certain quests.

These quests will change regularly and may involve tasks such as connecting your wallet, performing swaps, and other web3-related activities. It’s crucial to finish the quests within the given week, as missing out means forfeiting that week’s 2.5% portion. In case you miss any tasks, you must complete them before moving on to the current week’s tasks.

Successfully completing the weekly quests will trigger the automatic airdrop of the 2.5% portion into your wallet.

Closing thoughts

And that’s a wrap for the launch of $ARTEX!

To check your eligibility status and allocation, you can view the announcement bars on top of the NFTs Marketplace websites:

We hope you are as excited as we are about $ARTEX, and we wish you a fantastic day. A huge thank you to all the testers, Marblenauts holders, and LP and DAO stakers.

See you on March 3rd!

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Discord: https://discord.gg/JQd4RXGdXp

Website: https://www.marbledao.finance/

Marblepaper: https://www.marbledao.finance/TheMarblepaper.pdf




We connect real-world Art to digital assets through Phygital NFTs and eXtended Reality Bring your artworks to life with AR/VR & AI