What are your blindspots?

Marc Eksteen
2 min readOct 23, 2022


Every couple months, I sit down and give myself a little evaluation. One of the biggest questions I ask myself is this: what are my blindspots? Its not exactly a trivial question to answer.

My first car had blindspots galore. You could hide a small cruise ship behind the car’s B-pillar. One day I was happily driving down the highway, tunes banging. I checked my mirror. Indicated and started moving over. A truck’s blaring horn sent me scuttling back into my lane real quick.

To probe my car’s blindspot, you had to really move your head around. And that’s sort of how I tackle blindspots in my every day life. You’ve got to ask yourself hard questions — questions you otherwise ignore. You must look at yourself through the eyes of your peers.

I’ve just opened up my journal and had a look at one of my reflections from earlier this year. Back in May I turned to a new page in my journal, and wrote the following questions:

  • How would others describe me?
  • What drives me?
  • What is my biggest weakness?
  • What is my attachment style?

I didn’t write much beneath them, to begin with. I just let them sit in my mind, for weeks. What is my biggest weakness? I wrote many points over the course of the month. Ego, pride, lack of confidence and so on.

It’s so satisfying to me, looking back at this now. I’ve just realised that my answer to this question has changed. I have grown. I grew!!

It’s a truly wonderful feeling, seeing genuine growth, yourself. So often, our growth passes us by. When you’re just changing 0.1% a day, the individual changes fade into background.

I’ve tried to keep asking myself these difficult questions throughout the year. The question I’m still grappling with is this: what holds me back?



Marc Eksteen

Data analyst, somewhere. Finding my way through life, one day at a time :)