Your Crack Is Showing…

Marc Peraino
2 min read2 days ago

Let’s call upon every soul ever sacrificed

For this nation of united states to

Direct thine eyes upon a so-called “heritage” and

Focus thy wrath upon this cracked “foundation”

Look how they spit upon your graves, soldiers!

Look how they piss upon your legacies!

Watch how they scheme and connive

To wipe their own asses with our Constitution

To desecrate every freedom we’ve ever fought for

Every institution

Xena? Warrior Princess? Hey, wassup, gurl?

Could you crack your whip upon these pieces of shit, gurl?

These bitches seem to want their dicks in our mouths, gurl

I know, I know… You don’t say, gurl.

May our eyes stare straight through their traitorous hearts

Whip curving slow and coming around

Patience is key, let karma spin ‘round

Building momentum, a whistle of wind

Wreaking total destruction, shattering their win

The Goddess of the State condemns your project

The Goddess of Democracy hands it a death sentence

The Goddess of Truth damns your project

The Goddess of Justice casts it into putrescence

I apologize that you were misled

Into thinking you had any power

Your glory days are over

You’ve gone the route of cowards

You’ve lost the lead, so

Here’s your coffin

Do you like this tombstone?

Let’s have it read:

“Here lies Heritage Foundation


All-American treasonous whore”



Marc Peraino

Short prose and poetry author. Focusing mainly on political, social & religious critique in America.