Marc Pickren
1 min readNov 21, 2018
Photo by Savs on Unsplash

What is Middle Class Anyways?

It varies a great deal by location and metro. But according to the Pew Research Center, a group that spends time analyzing these things, Middle Income is defined as being $45,200 — $135,000. Lower income defined as lower than <$45,200 and upper defined as >$135,000.

$45,200 = *$35,779 or $1,376 every two weeks.

$135,000 = *$90,916 or $3,496 every two weeks.

*Those people living in areas with state income tax would see even less.

I have always been curious if politicians have any idea in their head as to what the middle class is. Particularly, when they scream about their unwavering commitment to “it”. On the flip side, I wonder if people “feel” middle class in these income ranges?

Marc Pickren

Happiness? Ignore nonsense, talk less, help others, wake up early, no entitlement and be curious.