A Copywriter Can Save You Time, Money, and Bring More Customers

Marc Bollon
3 min readJan 15, 2018


Writing is the basis for all communications. Using your words effectively and then delivering them to your target audience is necessary for success in business. Hiring a copywriter to write your words for you can save you big.

Whether it is a social message to those in your community or a professional message to your employees and customers, the effective use of words is crucial. Saying too much or too little can cost you time, customers, and money. Do you have the confidence that you are doing this effectively? Do you get responses to your written words? Do you feel you could get better responses?

If you answered yes, then hire a copywriter to write your words for you. A trained writer will have the tools and experience to ensure your message is communicated effectively. Whether the goal is to inform your employees of a new benefit or encourage customers to visit your business, a good copywriter will help you deliver.

In addition, a good copywriter will provide you with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your web-based media. This is the use of keywords within your written online content. The copywriter will research the common search terms for your type of product or business. They then use these terms within your content in specific ways. Once it becomes populated within the search engines such as Google® or Yahoo®, then when people enter certain search terms, your product or business is more likely to appear in the top results.

Copywriters are hired to write any type of copy needed for media such as:

  • Websites (landing pages, services provided, etc.)
  • Emails or letters to customers and employees
  • White Papers
  • Testimonials
  • Brochures, flyers, posters
  • Dialog for video and audio
  • Books, studies, periodicals

Writing the words is only the first part. The presentation of the message is crucial as well. Whether it is a website, a marketing brochure, or an email, the presentation is what catches the eye of the customer. So, hiring a firm that can provide both writing skills and graphic design skills will help you save money, time, and ensure properly proofed and formatted media. The drawback is that you will pay a higher premium when hiring a firm. They have their overhead, must pay benefits, and then salaries for the firm’s employees.

If you are a small business with a smaller budget, hiring a contractor or freelancer may be an economical choice. Some contractors provide services as a side job while working a full-time job. This often means they do not have financial overhead. This allows them to offer competitive pricing with more room for negotiation. The drawbacks may be that you will have to meet with them at odd hours and they may not be at your beck and call anytime you want.

Whether you do the writing yourself or you hire a firm or contractor, ensuring you have effective use of words is crucial. Many people overlook the power of words. Hiring a copywriter to write your words for you can save you big.



Marc Bollon

I’ve been adulting for 30+ years and am just starting to “get it.” Perhaps I can help you get it before its too late. B.A. Psych & M. Liberal Arts — SMU.