Healthy snack: Cajú & dates

Energy bars

Marcela Viola
2 min readFeb 8, 2015

This is the perfect “grab and go” snack. Easy and fast to prepare, and loaded with the good stuff!

You only need 3 ingredients:

  • 1 cup of your favourite nuts
  • 5 dadels
  • a pinch of ginger and cinnamon if you like it.
  • food processor

Start with the dates in the food processor until you have a puré paste. Save aside on a bowl.
Then process the nuts to the desire consistency, if you like it crunchy like me then leave some medium pieces, otherwise go all the way until you have a nut flour sort of powder.
Combine the dates with the nut powder, this is the “anti stress” part: use your hands and squish!
Once you have a dough, put it between 2 pieces of film and use a rolling pin to give a thin (1 finger thick), square shape to it.

Finally cut bars of your desire size and cover then with more film to storage in the fridge.

I find these bars perfect to level up my energy before my training without having the “Imtoofulltomove” sensation. Or for those moments when my sugar levels are drooping down and Im about to get cranky ☺

