For Years I Masturbated to a Photo of My Aunt

Does it count as incest if she is not blood related?

Marcel Milkthistle
2 min readNov 13, 2019
This gorgeous photo is not the one I refer to in this piece, but it conveys a similar tranquility. Credit: Antonina Bukowska on Unsplash

It had somehow already reached my hands when I hit puberty. Having it was inappropriate, so I assume nobody had given it to me.

“Here you go, son. Here’s a picture of your aunt with her boobs out, to sexually educate yourself. Go crazy with it — don’t tell your mum, though.”

No, this is not how it had happened. I must have snatched it myself, without anyone noticing, from some pile of holiday photos. I kept it in my bookcase, between two pages of a book nobody cared about.

And I masturbated to it. For years.

We are not blood-related—I wonder if this makes masturbating to her picture less awkward. She is the sister of the wife of my mother’s brother.

Me > my mother > her brother > his wife > her sister. Got it?

She is alive and well. She became a mother in her early fifties. I don’t know how she pulled it off. I am sure having a generally unconventional personality played its part.

And she is the sweetest person. She has a straight-forward and kind-hearted smile. Although she lives in the same world with everybody else, I’ve never heard her complain about anything. She is the most easy-going person I’ve met.

The time the photo was taken, she was in her late twenties. She had an impressive volume of curly red hair and a curvy body with ginger skin and freckles.

She was hot. She didn’t seem to notice — and that made her even hotter.

And it was not just her being sexy. She was glowing of positive energy. I loved that. Thinking about it, she may have been the only person I’ve met with such energy.

She visited our country house for a few days. The photo showed the familiar beach where I swam every summer. There was me, around 7 or 8 years old. There was my uncle’s wife. And there was her hot redhead sister, joyful and unpretentiously topless.

This is how my aunt has always been: unpretentious, simple, kind-hearted. My parents always made fun of her naïveté, but I secretly loved and respected her for her personality. I still do. I brighten up when I meet her. Not in a sexual way, anymore—I guess that was an adolescence thing.

So, yes. During early adolescence, I kept her topless picture and frequently used it as masturbation material.

But she wasn’t blood related. Will this stand up in court to my defence?

By the way, I have another aunt. I also found super hot as a kid and I’ve masturbated thinking about her a few times.

And she is my mother’s first cousin. Totally blood related.



Marcel Milkthistle

Recovering sex addict and self-punisher. Telling stories I wouldn't dare tell under my real name.