Water charities:

Marc Gunther
Nonprofit Chronicles
11 min readApr 26, 2015


A glass half full

If you’ve donated money to a water charity, congratulations. You’ve stepped up to try to solve one of the world’s most pressing problems — the fact that roughly 750 million people do not have access to clean water.

Has your donation made a lasting difference? That’s hard to know.

Big water charities point to numbers that, they say, demonstrate their impact. Since its founding in 2006, charity: water says it has funded 16,138 water projects. Water.org, in its latest annual report, says that in 2013 it completed 174 community-based water projects, constructed 73,081 toilets, established 66,632 household water connections and served 606,012 people with water and sanitation. In 2013–2014, Water Aid says it reached 2 million people with water and 3 million with sanitation.

But the charities, as a rule, do not report on how many of those projects are providing clean water a year, two or five years after they were built. Some don’t know. That, by itself, is a sign that something’s amiss.

A broken well in Uganda

As it happens, the poor countries where these charities operate are littered with water projects that need repair. In what is admittedly…



Marc Gunther
Nonprofit Chronicles

Reporting on psychedelics, tobacco, philanthropy, animal welfare, etc. Ex-Fortune. Words in The Guardian, NYTimes, WPost, Vox. Baseball fan. Runner.