Scientists Say That Wanderlust is the Key to Happiness


It’s Been Said That “Not All Who Wander Are Lost”

“Not all who wander are lost.” J.R.R. Tolkien

When we hear the term “home,” it often conjures up images of four walls, familiar faces, and comforting routines. For me, though, home is any place that delivers the feeling of wind brushing past as I step into a new country, the sound of an unfamiliar language echoing through crowded streets, and the taste of exotic foods that dance a tango on my tongue. Home, for me, can be found in solo travel because wherever I am, I am home.

“Wandering makes you happy, not just that when you’re happy you wander more” — Alison Gopnik

Solo travel is life.

You may have seen the phrase “solo travel is life” emblazoned across my Instagram. Those words aren’t merely a catchphrase; they’re articulating my very existence—a testament to how, from the tumultuous experience of childhood abandonment, I carved a life of exploration and connection. In other words, I was born to fly.

I was born to fly.

While some find solace in the familiar, in repeated conversations and routines, I thrive in the unknown. I wasn’t born to listen to a playlist on repeat but to immerse myself in diverse sounds — to experience laughter in foreign languages, to dance wildly offbeat, and joyously sing…



Marcia Hylton | Travel Writer & Move-Abroad Coach
She’s Unbound

A Caribbean-born American expat based in Mexico City. I'm a travel writer, a move-abroad coach, and an ICF-trained life coach.