How to import your Kindle highlights to NeuraCache

Marcin Czech
2 min readJul 3, 2019


Part 1: Get Kindle Highlights as a file

Solution 1: Directly from your Kindle Device

What you will need :

  • Your Kindle Device
  • a cable to connect your Kindle Device with your computer

Pros :

  • All Books highlights can be imported at once with a single file.

Cons :

  • Only highlights made on this specific device will be imported.

Step 1:

Connect your Kindle Device to your computer via cable.

Step 2:

With your file explorer, find /Documents/My Clippings.txt file on Kindle Device.

Solution 2: using Bookcision plugin

What you will need :

  • Chrome Browser

Pros :

  • All your Books and Highlights are available without your Kindle Device.

Cons :

  • You need to download a file for each book separately.

Step 1:

Go to and follow instructions.

Step 2:

Download files. Make sure you have selected “as json” file format from the dropdown.

Part 2: Import file with NeuraCache

Once you have the .txt file (solution 1) or .json files (solution 2), copy them to your mobile phone. There are multiple ways to do it. For example, with iOS, you can copy via iCloud folders. With Android, you can send it via email and save it from your email client.

Next open NeuraCache, tap settings then tap on “Import Book Highlights” and select your file, done. Your Kindle Highlights should show up neatly organized by Book (see the animated demo at the top).


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Marcin Czech

Focus 👉 Long-Term Memory & Clarity of Thought | Founder of NeuraCache