I’ve just opened up for online consultations!

Marcin Moskala
4 min readNov 28, 2017


I’ve just made a multiplatform project, and the biggest challenge was that I had to leave my comfort zone and work on advanced feature in unfamiliar fields. Obviously it is great to explore new fields, but when I had to jump into WebPack and start from making a configuration for React Kotlin module in multiplatform project, I thought then that I would love to have someone with whom I could consult. Sure, I will have to pay him, but my time is also really valuable, and with him I would be able to understand much faster what is going on. Since that moment, I thought about all developers who are spending hours on fighting with Android, Kotlin, Java or Gradle problems that I am already familiar with and I could easily explain and fix them in a short period of time. I already had an experience with giving consultation in Poland. I really enjoyed it, because it was challenging and it gave me possibilities to share my knowledge and understanding (what I actually love doing). I really like when I can help somebody to solve and understand the problem. I stopped it when I started travelling. Now I realized that I can continue doing it remotely and decided to reopen to one-to-one consultations!

Who am I?

In case you don’t know me yet, you have references below. I am the creator of Kotlin Academy blog and coauthor of “Android Development with Kotlin” book:

Here are some links from conferences where I attended as a speaker:

You can also check out some of my open-source libraries:

You might be also interested in my example projects:

  • KotlinAcademy Application — This was created to show possibilities of multiplatform development in Kotlin. Exept of backend, there are 3 clients: web, Android and desktop, and all this clients have logic implemented in a shared module. It also uses coroutines.
  • MarvelGallery — application which is presented as a let’s-do-an-application-with-us in last chapter of ADwK book.
  • SimpleKotlinMvpBoilerplate — example of simple MVP architecture in Kotlin. As simplified as possible and still having all advantages and test-ability.

My website:

What exactly can I give you?

Personal consultation sessions delivered remotely via Hangouts and video/screen sharing. Thanks to this consultation you will be able to fix your problems and learn faster. Here are areas that I am competent at and I can help you with:

  • Kotlin, KAE — I am Kotlin passionate from its early beta release and I use it on a daily basis in my work projects for the last 3 years. I wrote the book about Kotlin in Android and I dived really deeply into this language.
  • Android — it is my main business interest since the beginning of my career. I have already finished a lot of applications and I was working with nearly all Android features. For most of your problems I already have solutions.
  • Android Studio — Main Android IDE which is offering much more then just a text editor. I can help you to learn how to use it to work efficiently.
  • Java — I spend years in Java and dived deeply into its features. I explored variety of its features including reflection and annotation processing.
  • Software Architecture — above, you can find my presentation about front-end architectures (MVC vs MVP vs MVVM vs MVI). I dived really deeply and investigated all this architectures and I can help you understand them. If you need to design architecture for your team then I will be happy to help you. If you have your company architecture guidelines then I can help you understand it.
  • Clean code — I am strongly familiar with clean code approach and concepts from the most influential books in this subject. I have also researched different programming paradigms like functional or logical programming.

How does it work?

There are 4 consultation options that you can choose from:

  1. For short consultation, use HackHands where you can have consultation with me for 1$/min. This is perfect tool because it also supports online editor, screen sharing, audio-video and chat. Use this link.
  2. Single one-to-one remote consultation. Perfect if you are trying to fix some hard problem or you have some important questions. I will spend time to help you or share my knowledge. Investment: 40$/h
  3. If you are learning Android/Kotlin and you need a competent teacher, then I can help you. I will prepare lessons and exercises so we will optimize our time together to help you learn as fast and as easily as possible. For this option price depends on learning period and frequency.
  4. If you represents a company that needs my help then just email me. For example, if your company is switching from Java to Kotlin then I can help you with such transition by both supporting migration and by training your developers how they can effectively use Kotlin. For such contracts just send me an email and we will talk about details.

How does it work? Send an email to marcinmoskala@gmail.com with time information about consultation subject and time proposition. I will response as soon as possible. To help me giving you as much as possible during consultation, please list technologies and libraries that you are using or you need to understand.



Marcin Moskala

Kt. Academy creator, co-author of Android Development with Kotlin, author of open-source libraries, community activist. http://marcinmoskala.com/