A Good Man

Marc D.
2 min readDec 10, 2023


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In the desert’s cruel embrace, a man,
His steps weighed down by the grains of sand.
A journey through the endless, scorching sea,
A walk toward eternity, where shadows decree.

He stumbles, weakened, under the unforgiving sun,
A life unraveling, the end has begun.
Whispers of regret echo through his mind,
As he traverses the wasteland, lost and confined.

In solitude, his conscience starts to unravel,
A reckoning with the life he can’t travel.
I was good,” he mutters, in a desperate plea,
A mantra for a soul yearning to be free.

As the heat distorts his sense of sight,
He envisions heaven in the shimmering light.
I’ve earned my place,” he whispers to the air,
A plea to God, a hope, a desperate prayer.

But the heavens remain silent, indifferent,
As he calls for God, his spirit diligent.
A figure appears, shrouded in the desert’s haze,
A deceptive savior, leading him astray.

I welcome you,” the figure declares,
Promising salvation, calming his fears.
Yet as he reaches the outstretched hand,
The truth is revealed, like shifting sand.

The voice, once comforting, now sinister,
A revelation, a malevolent whisper.
I am not God,” it hisses with delight,
A devil’s trick, sealing his eternal plight.

The desert was purgatory, a desolate domain,
A place of suffering, an everlasting bane.
No heaven awaits, no redemption to gain,
Just the cruel echoes of his eternal pain.

In the shadows of regret, he’ll remain,
Forever wandering in the endless terrain.
A soul deceived, a fate never to sever,
In purgatory’s grasp, lost to forever.

Thanks for reading and come follow as I release short stories and poems. Cheers

