Launching Metamesh Consulting

Marc Lijour
4 min readDec 31, 2018


As promised, I’m starting the new year launching a consulting firm with ex-ConsenSys friends and experts who feel inspired to join the adventure. We are all feeling bold and excited. We know there is space in the market for deep industry knowledge and highly technical expertise. We offer our services to business leaders who understand the benefits and challenges of exponential technologies. We advise and partner with industry to build the 21st-century digital infrastructure. We’re launching Metamesh Consulting!

What’s in a name?

Metamesh will sound like a strange name for many. It’s a placeholder name to get started. For ex-ConsenSys people who lived in “the mesh”, it carries the hope the mesh can survive as an ideal. It also translates the belief that we can be helpful to ConsenSys spokes from outside ConsenSys, may be more helpful. As it happens, we understand their technology in depth, hence we can advise our clients (independently and fairly) about what to use and when to use it, about what works and what doesn’t.

We are free from tech dogmas, focusing instead on what we can do today to provide value and to make the world a better place. We use the best tools for the job. As it turns out, we all have a mortgage and bills to pay. We are business-minded and pragmatic professionals. At the same time, we live by the same value of honesty, professionalism, and high standards you’ve been used to recognizing us by.


Today more than ever, business leaders need trusted advisors to navigate the troubled waters of the next industrial revolution, powered by exponential technologies. We are navigators, charting a course to coveted and strategic business positions, creating a competitive advantage for our clients. We are builders using the right tools for the right job. We are business partners.

Our expertise range from strategic management consulting, laws & regulations, design thinking, agile, DevOps, and software development. Our service catalogue goes from advisory to delivering a technical product. We can do custom research and training, but we don’t plan to offer maintenance and support packages at this time.

The team

When ConsenSys laid off 13% of its workforce, I immediately saw a business opportunity. The labour market is so tense these days, that it’s really a godsend gift. I proposed that if I could mobilize 10% of these 150 experts out there, we’d have something powerful to offer. I managed to work with a good dozen ex-ConsenSys colleagues to put together a consulting service portfolio we believe makes sense to the business world.

Among all of us, we cover the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Several experts felt inspired to join our efforts. Check the progress of the About us page which is being progressively populated as I’m writing this. Our 3rd meeting will be on January 2nd, but I could not wait to announce what we’re up to before midnight local time!

Ping me if you feel like joining a 5-star team. We are agile, open, inclusive, and professional.

Happy New Year!

Keeping readings short on December 31st is good practice. I want to tell you I’m bullish about 2019. It’s really on all of us to build the world we want to live in. Let’s keep supporting each other when we need it. Let’s keep our light shining, whoever we are, straight or gay, religious or atheist, man or woman, and anything in between. We all share the same human condition.

Let’s promise to each other we’ll look inside ourselves a little more in 2019. We should be like the lemon, acid inside and soft outside. Let’s become more aware of our own shortcomings, and let’s go a little bit easier on others. If we all become better humans, even by 1%, in 2019, we will all end up way better off at the end of the year. Let’s all teach and learn from each other.

Let’s keep fighting for a better world together. We should continue asking for honest answers from the people in power, especially from government executives and bankers. Let’s pay less attention to the media circus, and let’s fund free and professional journalism and research. We all need data and evidence to make decisions. Democracies depend on informed and enlightened citizens to function properly.

I raise my glass to freedom, knowledge, and love. Be blessed all of you, your family and friends. Happy New Year!



Marc Lijour

Leading the Digitization of Organizations with Free/Libre Open Source Software. My personal view here (RT ≠ endorsement).