Privacy Never Existed

Marco Fiorentino
10 min readMar 24, 2018

Privacy is dead, stop mourning it. Stop going to rallies in order to get your precious “privacy” back. And this is not new: Privacy properly said, has been long gone in the past decade, and it is not coming back, not because it is lost forever, but because Privacy truly never existed.

What exactly is “Privacy”? Privacy is defined by the Oxford University dictionary as:

“ […] the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.”

This definition leaves us with certain questions.

Since we cannot be unobserved, because we always are physically “visible” to other individuals, throughout any of our five senses, where does true Privacy begin? This said state can be achieved only if an individual cannot be observed or disturbed? Let’s dig a bit more into that last statement.

In order to be disturbed, an individual needs to be identified first. Hence, there is no identification without the usage of any sensorial mean. Thus, that person has to be “visible” to another individual’s senses in order to be identified. Then we can agree that there is absolutely no way, in any shape or form, to be disturbed without being identified first.

