
Marco Antonio Castro Cosio
5 min readMar 14, 2018


List of events, ideas and projects that trigger the imagination and will hopefully invite us to invent.

Hope this week was very productive and rewarding for you.
Thank you for reading this inventory.

Good Morning!

It’s been a while since I’ve sent out this newsletter and I appreciate that you might take the time to read it.

As an update, I will share the feature interview that New York Foundation for the Arts shared on their website, a conference I was fortunate to attend at Brown University and another one at the MIT MediaLab.

Here are just some notes I gathered from my notebook, it’s just a small sample of the many things I learned and stuck in my head.

We also have an event lined up for Thursday 3/15 at 6:00 pm at the NYU Digital Future Labs (Link) please join us for this one.

Stay tuned for more news soon.

Artwork by Josh Simpson link

New York Foundation of the Arts
Conversations | Marco Antonio Castro, Multidisciplinary Artist and IAP Mentor Link

Innovation,Arts and Culture Meetup on Thursday
3/15 6:00pm in DUMBO Link

Conference for Research on Choreographic Interfaces
“The 2018 CRCI conference will bring together scholars, designers, artists, and engineers working across technologies of choreography, control, and recognition to investigate how sameness and difference function with choreographic interfaces, and ponder how to productively intervene in the development of these technologies. This convening is intended to catalyze collaborations within a network of strategically placed individuals to make a transformative difference in the design of new choreographic interfaces.”

Space as a tool,

Space a point of friction

What is a lab? Does it only imply science? Is there an arts lab, can it be both?

Why build a proscenium within a lab? Why build a stage?

What is organic Beingness?

Can we talk about gender fluid robots?

Why do we talk about the brain and not the mind?

I heard about “Surveillance Technologies in Performance” for the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media” from Elise Morrison

And from Hasan Elahi link

“Humans indistinguishable from data landscape”

“GPS gives us the chance to be the center of the universe, of our map”

We need to rethink what privacy means

What is transparency?

Learned about the center for complex network research

Cate Scott Campbell link and Christina Wallace link
Podcast #HumanVennDiagrams

Performance and pictured above, Raja Feather Kelly link

Shout out to Kamal Sinclair

“VR, think theater not film” Link

After a lovely day at Brown University and as an interesting segway in space, I skipped next door to Cambridge to attend a conference at MIT MediaLab focusing on the other space, outer space, and its relationship to us humans and other species in the planet.

MIT MediaLab — Beyond the Cradle 2018
“Space will be hackable. Space will be playful. Space grows ever more accessible to the space enthusiast — through the reach of DIY instruments, experiments, sensors, and satellites, and soon through a new age of space tourism and exploration. This opportunity to design our interplanetary lives beckons to us.”

Plenary Address and Panel: Our Sci-Fi Space Future
Heart in a box video (link) created a Visceral reaction of disgust that leads to curiosity interests
I like to go into darkness. Stories of 3D printed hearts and vegetable hearts (link)by Nigerian Author.
Nnedi Okorafor, Author; Professor, University of Buffalo, New York (SUNY) link

“Fascinated by the invisible” Eliza Mcnitt

Joe Paradiso link
“Stockroom clutter rooms are where ideas come from”
Speculative design not just science fiction, social sciences, parenting, not just science.
Mention of a Philosopher in residence, could we have a philosopher in residence in government and other incubators?

Democratizing Open Space
Planetary Institute link

Danielle Wood -link
“Can we please not use the word colonizing to talk about the future of space?”
Space enabled research, Emerging space nations
Migrating to space -> not colonizing
Greenkeeper — link a company in Benin Africa reclaiming water
Book Recommendation

Julia Velasquez, Inclusive outer space
Do rocks have rights?
Tourism is not the end goal
“Temples dedicated to wonder, wisdom, curiosity”
We need a myth first, then we an make rules”

Space and the Arts Panel:
new visions for humanity’s interplanetary future

Universe and art, the future world exhibition at the ArtScience Museum

“Listening to Space” — Radio astronomy
Artists can fill in the vast of spaces of our universe that Science cant reach. Edgards Verbalds

Nicholas de Monchaux,
Fashioning Apollo book link

Space as a cultural artefact long before it was a technical artifact.

Space as the space occupied by angels, between worlds.

Most of what we find in Space is in fact, what we bring to there, attributed to Tarkovsky

Artists are looking for ways of bending our horizons, to understand without thinking and to enable the expansion of human possibility.

“No need to call it Citizen Science, why not call it multiplayer Science”

“And all of us are the commanders of Spaceship earth” However far we go, the mission is to improve life on earth”

That’s all for now. If you’d like to meet up, I’d love to.
Please let me know what would be a good day.

