Approaching go(lang) : my IDE definition

marco cipri
3 min readMay 20, 2020


I like the idea is that a project brings the whole development environment, in other words the projects has to be “battery included”.

I have worked with ‘VsCode’ for some time and I appreciate its flexibility but I also like it seems I am working with a slightly friendlier version of Vi or Emacs.

I need to implement a service with a lot of concurrency and parallelisms and since I wanted to do it for a while, I want to implement it in Go. The service will have a Rest interface and therefore I would like to explore the interoperability between Go and OpenApi .

I don’t want to install Go on my macbook, on the contrary, I don’t want to install any tools anymore and treat each development project as a unit in its own right … so I decided to use the development mode inside containers provided by VsCode.

First I had to define a docker that contains all the tools that I love to use and that make my life easier …. I certainly can’t give up my zsh or ‘oh my shell’ here, I took an example from the Microsoft portal dedicated to development in Go
I’ve extended, compiled and uploaded it to the docker hub.

This image contains the main GoLang tools and is the base for the dev container. I preferred to insert only a few indications in the final Dockerfile which uses the image already loaded on dockerHub whit ‘golang image: 1’ which loads the ‘go1.14.3’.

The development environment in this mode uses the environment of VsCode which lives in a Docker generated following the instructions in the Dockerfile present in the
directory. This Dockerfile imports the ‘oh my shell’ suite, agnoster theme abd git, golang plugins.

# Install gocode-gomod
RUN export CHSH=no \
sh -c “$(curl -fsSL" \
sed -i ‘s/robbyrussell/agnoster/g’ /home/vscode/.zshrc \
sed -i ‘s/(git)/(git go golang)/g’ /home/vscode/.zshrc

In the same directory the file
indicates how the user and the IDE interacts with the newly created docker. Sets the shell

“”: “/bin/zsh”,

the go tool path
“go.gopath”: “/go”

forwarding the port 9000 for external testing

at the end of the docker building, the project code is pulled in ‘src’ local dir as golang does.

“postCreateCommand”: “go get”

Regenerating everything with a more updated version wouldn’t be a big problem.

below how works.

shift+command+p then select ‘Reopen in Container’
a new VsCode is started and the Docker is compiled… see the progress
see the go tools working!

