ATM for kids!

Marcos Rios
3 min readJan 15, 2019


We are learning about Lean UX and the process of coming up with something in a short time matter. This week we are practicing Design Thinking from the beginning to the end in a very quick way.

The assignment is asking to create an ATM for kids, from coming up with the concept, thinking about it, sketching it, and then prototyping…it was so fun to do tbh.

So first let's define what an ATM is and what is used for:
An ATM is a machine that allows people to take out money from their bank account by using a special card (Automated Teller Machine).
(At this point I'm thinking of sketching a mini ATM for kids…a smaller version of an ATM literally)

Empathize: An ATM for kids seems like a good way of teaching math in a different, fun way. By exposing the kids to real-world practices with a version of those practices created for them. This would be helpful to help them to count money and understand it a little better.

Define: The ATM for kids should have the functionality of a real ATM but with a quirky colorful design and more simplified functions.

Ideate: And I did…

But I wasn't convinced. I am Mexican which means I have a big family which means I have a LOT of little nephews and nieces. This just wasn't something I see them using. By the end of my sketches I came up with the idea of creating a little attachment for an Ipad instead of creating something new. I remember reading in the past unit something along the lines of “the best way of solving a problem is giving a solution with something that already exists”.

7 out of 10 kids from my family have ipads, or iphones, or a smart phone. So this seems like a good idea…and I’m happy it came out of my sketching phase!

After quick research, these were my new inspiration.

and came up with some sketches

It occurred to me that this could be something that phone users could use too… maybe you wouldn't need the added element and it could be a plus. I wanted to design a little app so every kid could use it…then decided to put what I read in the unit in practice (or at least I tried to)

Lean UX

Assumptions: The main user of the product would be kids between the ages 7 to 10. They will use this as a game and a learning tool for math.

Hypotheses statements: I believe that kids will use this app since it will be just like any other game in the app store or google play and I will know if I am right when I see the downloads on the digital stores.

Outcomes: Kids will download this game and play on their phones or tablets.

1) Kids that use their parent’s phone or iPad to play games or watch videos.
2) Parents downloading the app and potentially buying the added product for their kids so they can play and learn at the same time


In the end, I ended up with a rough (VERY ROUGHT) digital prototype.



Marcos Rios

Aspiring UX designer. Lover of museums, art, design, horror movies, and naps.