Thoughts on: How we see our flaws vs how others see them

Marcos Espinosa
2 min readMay 18, 2017


Original photo by Eutah Mizushima

Our flaws aren’t as aparent to others as they are to us. People are too busy living their lives to notice every little shortcoming of ours.

We’re all people, everybody deals with tough days or insecurity. At some point we all feel like we’re not up to par.

We spend all of our life with ourselves (I know… what a breakthrough discovery!) so we can be particularly hard on ourselves because of all the times we have to see us fail.

It’s great to have big expectations, but we have to be good to ourselves. Just because we don’t look like somebody else or we aren’t as good as we want to doesn’t mean we should be ashamed of how we are.

It’s interesting how different varying perspectives of the same thing can be. I’ve seen friends play their musical instruments and they make me feel like I need to practice mine so much more. In my mind they’re playing amazing and they make me wish I was better. Then when I talk to them after they played a lot of times they aren’t even happy with their performance. Instead of focusing on the thousands of notes they played well, they focus on the couple they didn't. I’m guilty of this as well; it’s important to learn what to focus on.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, people don’t live to catch your every slip or shortcoming.

Anyway, these were some things that had been on my mind recently. What are your thoughts?

The comic for this thought is here!


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